Mostly Everything

Rediscovering Lost Eden by Bio Research


UPDATE: For those of you who have read my dad’s column on the Ashitaba Leaf, you can easily propagate the shrub ocne you procure it from them. The Ashitaba are not being sold – they are being given away. All you need to do is print out his column and bring it to Bio Research in Sucat so they can give you the plant which you can propagate yourself.

If you wish to receive email updates about Lost Eden, the Ashitaba Leaf and other places I visit, please don’t hesitate to subscribe to my link below:

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I’m not sure if I’ve declared it in public, but I’m a fish geek. I’ve kept freshwater fish since I was a kid, had an aquarium in every room at home (community tank, live breeder tank, cichlid tank), wrote my term paper about breeding habits of guppies, kept koi, and even stopped eating fish for several years because of a childhood trauma. It was the fish that helped forge good friendships as well with fellow hobbyists like blog friends Riane and Juned.

If I were to paint my formative years with color, a consistent part of it would be transparent with a tinge of green: my childhood was decked with assembling fish tanks and scrubbing moss off them. Assembling a fish tank was therapeutic as I’d go through the process of washing the gravel and mixing them with stones and broken pot hiding places for my collection of Auratus, Tropheus Moori and Pendani (the more common “cheap” cichlids as the Blood Parrots were rather expensive). It was a calming exercise – choosing the types of water plants to match with fish – I especially liked having water lilys with a gourami tank I once built as these would “blow” their nests onto the roots of the plants dangling from the surface. It felt good, graduating from undergravel filters to the dual motor powered aerators (with generator features during brown outs!) to the huge EHEIM filter we placed in our koi pond in the garden. It was my dad who taught me everything I knew about keeping fish and it is thus where I begin my post about a childhood adventure that has now caught up with me after so many years.


Tito Wilson Ang is a close friend of my dad. He runs Bio Research, perhaps the longest running pet store in the country and yeah I’d even venture the store with the best “brand equity” when it came to fish and other hobbies that had to do with pets. Most of our koi came from him, as well as our equipment. Stepping into their main branch, which is also a hatchery along Sucat Road was every fish geek’s dream (me!). Aerators, filters, pumps, custom built tanks and the fish hatchery were all there. In keeping up with the times, Tito Wilson opened up his legacy to the public as an attraction – 101 Destination Points, and then renaming it to Lost Eden.

The biz model is pretty simple – why not make money from the inventory you haven’t sold? Pretty cool! And they went crazy with the idea and have now come up with a really interesting venture: Lost Eden.


My cousin Ritchie was home from Chicago so my family all went to tour the four hectare property with Tito Wilson and his daughter Charlene. Lost Eden is 70% complete and it is a completely different experience compared to Manila Ocean Park, primarily because well, everything is for sale. I guess Tito Wilson got me hooked when he showed me his collection of Arapaima Gigas – about 11 three year olds (as of my last count) and several other small ones. SO hard to photograph from the glass:



Tito Wilson’s daughter, Charlene (photo above) handles most if not all of the marketing. I envy her, having grown up with all of these animals as her pets and learning everything from bunny breeding (they breed thousands of cute bunnies), bird watching, fish keeping, vermiculture, and agro-tourism. She gave us the royal treatment: a tour and a most memorable lecture about their unique vermicompost system where they were able to train the worms to compartmentalize inside the heap: “sleeping quarters,” “restroom” and “cafeteria.”

See here: worms sleep under the wood and they eat in the middle. They poop everywhere else. Makes things more efficient!


…. and tadah! Worms R’ Us!


A Wildlife Preserve

Bio Research’s Lost Eden is a theme park, events place and a store – you can buy practically everything that you see. Entrance to the park is a mere P150.00 per head and its open everyday. The property is also designated as a DENR Wildlife Rescue Center for endangered animals since Tito Wilson has an elaborate facility to house all sorts of flora and fauna including these: SUPER CUTE POT BELLY PIGLETS!


The piglets were hard to photograph as mama piggy was a little perturbed that she had unexpected visitors.

Apart from the DENR, Bio Research engages in CSR activities with barangays around the country. They commission the breeding of ornamental fish like arowanas and buy them back once they are grown. This is definitely a sustainable practice as the technology is completely transferred to fishing villages providing a new alternative to just fishing. Another interesting venture is their “bunny breeding program” where if you buy bunnies from them and allow them to breed, Bio Research can buy back the babies as the demand multiplies as fast as they breed 🙂


“Ready … get set ….”


The ducks were rather peaceful. You know, just hanging out, quack here, quack there …


… until you feed them!



Lost Eden is themed with an organic garden under the shape of the map of the Philippines. Around it are various attractions including red eared turtles, iguanas, insects, a working apiary, flightless birds, owls, a butterfly farm and a vermicompost heap. These photos don’t do the place justice – you need to see the place for yourself with friends!






For small events, the facility has a function room surrounded by aquariums. The area is rented out at a very affordable price of P5,000.00 for two hours and you can bring in anything you want. Amazing!




Here are photos with my family – my brother Angelo, my cousin Ritchie, my mom, Charlene and Tito Wilson.





The “Dog and Cat Mansion” in the photo above is actually a hotel for dogs and cats. If you’re going on a long journey, Bio Research can take in your pet and care for them while you’re away. They have an army of vets readily available for anything!

I finally found a place where I can lazy about that ISN”T another mall. A huge part of my childhood was spent rolling in grass, getting wet in the rain, and acquiring wounds and scratches from the joys that can only be described as a childhood in the 1980’s.


In retrospect, I’m now typing this in front of my MacBook, I sure wish we had some sort of legacy we can show our children. Away from the malls. Apart from our computers and games. It need not be long; a few hours will do. But it’s a good way to show our children that the best things in life are GREEN. 🙂

Lost Eden by Bio Research
Sucat Road from Sucat Exit (near Kraft and Manila Memorial Park)
Entrance Fee: P150.00 per head
Hours are 9 AM to 6 PM Monday to Sunday
email: biosucat at bioresearch dot com dot ph

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

62 replies on “Rediscovering Lost Eden by Bio Research”

hello, thanks for this blog, i really enjoy reading your articles.. by the way, would you know where can i possibly spot a eucalyptus plant/tree? or where can i buy it? i really need one.. hope you can help me with this.

thank you so much!

Whoa! This has got to be the most passionate piece you did that I’ve read so far! Despite the torrent of fish-related jargon you managed to pepper liberally throughout this post, everything was surprisingly easy enough to relate to. Props to you for giving this comp heart, Jayvee!

With that out of the way, I WANNA “FIND” THE LOST EDEN, ASAP! XD

yay, its in the south!! Can’t believe there’s something like this hidden in that area… will check it out soon, thanks Jayvee!

Yay for the pet hotel!!!! 😀

Are they open to the public already even if it’s only 70% complete? I want to see the place!

They sell plants too right?

yup they’ve been open for a long time actually since way back! i think lost eden was only open last year if i am correct. they sell plants. we were able to get plants from our last visit 🙂

hey, I was with my preschooler on a field trip at bioresearch! we even had a photo at the old sampaloc tree. but it was not as pretty as this! i want to go back 🙂

[…] While in the main corporate offices of Bio-Research in Sucat Road in Paranaque, we realized that our good friend Wilson had gone beyond his traditional setting of tropical and marine fish. He had managed to accumulate distributorships for what looked like a serious water pump and waste-water treatment business, among other things. But more important, he managed to convert his 4 hectare property into what he hopes will be a suitable habitat for the various flora and fauna he has accumulated – and continues to accumulate – over the years, some for sale and some for keeps. (Read about some of what he is doing in this area in my son Jayvee’s blog, A Bugged Life. […]

I got hold of your site with the blog from your father,The Tomorrow Leaf: A Healing Herb.

Its good to hear that Mr.Wilson Ang of Bio-Research has this Eden (malapit pa sa Kraft maker of cheese)found, so that others may see the wonders of fish, animals and fauna.

From his blog about Bio-Research’s herb garden, he talked about this healing herb, Ashibata. I’m interested in getting hold of one. I have an idiophatic problem with my eye for 14 years now. And being an unknown disease, it has no known cure. I’d like to try if it can cure this problem of mine.

Would Bio-research give a seed for me to propagate?


hi raymon, i forwarded this request already. im sure they will be more than willing to give you one. i gave your email as well so they should be in touch. 🙂

If I go to Lost Eden, can a buy the ashibata plant there? I want to plant it in my garden and maybe propagate it too. Thanks.

Hello sir I’m interested with this ashitaba plant my sister has a problem in her kidneys, aside from bio reseach in sucat is it available in other braches of bio research. Thanks

Good times here eh cuz! I’ll definitely need to come back here so I can buy that Arapima heheh!! Take care.

I have read your Dad’s article, The Tomorrow Leaf’ and am interested in planting it in my yard. My husband just had a stroke and I would like to try it on him. He also has type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Can I go there anytime and get or buy an ashitaba plant? Thanks.

yes you can!

all you need to do is drop by with the print out of the article or just ask the person in charge about the ashitaba leaf. the leaves are NOT for sale. tito wilson was disappointed to hear about some people who get the leaves and sell them for 3 pesos per leaf. bad bad bad!

wow!I would like to go there sometimes!but If you dont mind…is the tour guide free? if no,how much do we need to pay for thAt?

just wondering why the pictures of ashitaba in other websites are far different from yours. ashitaba looks more of a celery

hi jayvee,
thanx for all the info re Lost Eden, its very helpful, as am
starting with my vermicomposting. An fascinated with the ashitaba leaf, i want to propagate it, how can i get some to start?Hope to hear from you again and God Bless.

I live in California, USA….Unable to find propagation by cutting instructions for the Ashitaba plant. Can only find instructions for seed propagation, but noticed in your article, you share the plant by cuttings. Are there any special requirements in the process? Any information is appreciated.
Bless you for your work!


their ashitaba is not real, physiologically it is not the real ashitaba, merely Gynura itself

hi! we have attended a bday party there just early this year, and unfortunately we weren’t able to join the tour around the place, if you’re holding a party there, the cost for the venue is P5,000 right? that’s inclusive of what? the party venue and the tour too? or the tour has a different price for it? would like to know..thanks so much!

maganda talaga ung place!!!
i would recommend this to the nature lovers!!
sana lang yung suggestion ko nung ngkaroon ng meeting last year eh maisama..
ung isang malaking tree sa gitna nung lost eden..
besides,, sa tingin ko yun naman tlga ung naiisip agd ng tao kpag eden ung pinagusapan…
thank you at more power senyo!!
lalo n kay mam charlene na npkadaling lapitan at very lovely!!

I live in Chicago, is there any way of getting a Ashitaba plant from a family member the next time they visit the Bio Research facility? Thanks.

..oh my gosh.. today is our fieldtrip.. im so excited to see bioresearch.. a very educational place to go.. its very interesting.. the place is very colorful.. cool!! i love it.. the animals are cute too.. but mostly,, i love watching those colorful spots.. may we have a happy trip today with in your place.. thanks.. and Godbless..

You did not comment on the question of mdc, mar that is also my question. Why is your ashitaba far different from I can see on other websites.
I hope you will educate us more on your ashitaba.

sir is there any way i get to have ashibata?is very difficult to travel to manila coz i have kids still at school and i just cant leave to travel.but how i wish to have this plant ashibata coz my husband has very hi cholesterol and hi blood.and my youngest son has arthritis at a young age

sir. . .

i have read your issue about ashibata. i will visit your place sometime coz i am too much interested in this plant and wish that i could plant and grew it myself. i hope this will help me with regards to my menopausal stage. keep up the good work sir.

Hi, is it still possible to ask or buy the ashitaba plant at the bio-research sucat? I want to try this plant for myself (My blood sugar is above the border) and share it with my father and my brother-in-law who are both diabetic and to my kumare who has high blood. Thank you so much for you and your dad’s information on the ashitaba leaf and about bio-research.

Hello, inquire ko lang po if you are accepting a walk-in?
I have a 6yrs old kid and really love animals and fishes
gusto ko lang sana sya ipasyal sa place na ito. Pwede ko po bang malaman exact location or landmark and how much is the fee to get-in. Nakita kasi namin from someones pics. Family of 3 lang po kami.Thanks for the info.
Mrs Flores

I used to drop by at this old warehouse petshop maybe 10 years ago. Until i thought of googling if it’s still open as I don’t recall noticing the place every time a drive along Sucat rd. I’m pleasantly surprised how they have transformed this into an animal park. I’m 28 yr old fish and animal enthusiast and this is almost like a paradise for me and right across the my neighborhood. Can’t wait to check out the place today straight from work!

“It felt good, graduating from undergravel filters to the dual motor powered aerators (with generator features during brown outs”

Hi Jayvee…..can you share the specs of these aerators?how much much do they cost?

@Jayvee Fernandez

parang hindi naman ashitaba yung sinasabi nyo, kasi according to the pictures that I have seen, yun po ay Gynura procumbens hindi po sya ashitaba or Angelica keiskei koidzumi. Any clarifications about this sir? based on my observation kasi yung ashitaba ay sabi nga sa article ng dad nyo ay weed so it has to have a weed shape leaf just like this one on this link –,r:16,s:59

the one that you are showing that is coming from bioresearch based on my observation is a different plant named gynura procumbens

sana po malinawan tong agam agam kong to… salamat po..

please clarify if your plant is really called ashitanba which is angelica keiskei from japan. they look very different from each other. call it by its true name. it’s medicinal too and grown in the philippines which is unique and distinct. it’s something to be proud of, so why call it by another name. can’t we have our own magical plant too like the ashitaba of japan? who knows if there are studies made and confirmed to be beneficial to our health, it could be a better herb than ashitaba. can’t we just be proud of our own produce?

I just want to ask if Lost Eden is open during holidays (especially this Holy Weeek)? My boyfriend wants to visit that place, and it’s only our free time to go there.. Thanks.. 🙂

gusto nmin pumunta d2 pro di ko alam ang exact location, what time ang bukas at mgkano ang entrance. naikwento po kc e2 ng friend ko, na maganda daw pasyalan…

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