I don’t know why I even bother. The video shows it all. It’s probably the geek factor. Although I’m surprised how versatile the Opera browser is for the Nintendo Wii.
Happy weekend!
I don’t know why I even bother. The video shows it all. It’s probably the geek factor. Although I’m surprised how versatile the Opera browser is for the Nintendo Wii.
Happy weekend!
Me: Of course I remember you! (High School)
AJ: Guess what? We’re having a Wii party at my place! Can you invite your friends?
Me: Sure, where’s your house?
AJ: No, no, no, it’s the Wii party place called FriiSpirit
Me: Huwhatt???? All this time AJ, and you never told me you owned that place???
AJ: Well… yeah! So we’re having a party this Friday. Can you invite some of your blogger friends?
Me: OK. I can post it… how many can you accomodate? 30? 50?
AJ: Up to 100!
Me: Wew.
Rock Band! Guitar Hero Aerosmith! (and yes, it doesn’t come with Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing!) and Wii games from 9PM onwards!
So can you make it? Aside from several Wiis, they have 6 Guitar Hero accessories and … 2 ROCK BAND SETS!!! Everyone’s invited! Although there’s really no need RSVP, it would be nice to (WALK THIS WAY and …) get a head count. You can sign up via this Google Docs sheet.
G/F One Burgundy Plaza, Katipunan Ave.,
Loyola Heights, QC
Tel: 434-5434
Mobile: 0929-698-6738
Jayvee’s Wii Friend Code 1647 7187 1691 1181
Diving is an expensive hobby. So let’s make things so much cheaper and put a diving game on the Wii. To be honest, the game will either strike an emotional chord or be completely written off your gaming list, depending on how you appreciate stuff like this.