So I should always renew my passport when it expires. And I did, just yesterday. With a fantastically spanking new picture. Haha.
So my midweek pretty much filled out in spite of having no trips. Monday was interesting because m|PH recorded our first Podcast which will be launched in an event together with other local industries on the 22nd. Yep, so you’ll hear me, Adel (read his own account)and Art in the iTunes Music Store pretty soon.
Tuesday was fun – ran from one event to another. The AM was pretty much divided between the EPSON X3 projector launch as well as the unveiling of the new 5th gen iPod with video playback.
On the pic to the left is myself and Sharon during a Mapalad gathering yesterday. I must say, its one of the better pics where I look different. So maybe if I lose a little bit more weight, I’ll really start to look like this person. It’s really embarassing when the McDonald’s counter guy, the bank teller, the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf counter chick and the Chowking busboy call me “Uma.”
5 replies on “Alternatives to flying”
book me now for the PhilMUG xmas party!!
sure hope you dont try that hairstyle..
what a bummer.
could have visited you and your sis plus some of the b5’ers 🙁