
AluCube Mini — a block of elegant aluminum to hold your cables sell for PHP 795 a pack


Looking for elegant cord wrappers? Just Mobile, the artisans of tech accessories who tend to carve stuff out of blocks of aluminum, have products that are now being officially distributed in the Philippines. The AluCube Mini is really a single block of aluminum on the outside with cozy rubber insides to keep your wires snug. Each pack comes with 2 sets of AluCubes that come with adhesive patches so you can stick them permanently to your office wall or desk.

Just Mobile AluCube Mini is priced at PHP 795.00 and is distributed by MSI-ECS. For availability please email

Mostly Everything

Hands on with the Lytro, a camera that takes ‘living pictures’

Flashback to 2011. I SO wanted a Lytro if not for the novelty, at least my photos won’t be blurry again. It’s hard to explain in words why one would want this camera — more so trying to elaborate its unique feature: being able to define different focal points. Since the Lytro comes with a fixed f/2.0 lens, focal points define the depth of field. Whatev. Just … look at the photo above and use your mouse to click on its different elements:


My Guide to Buying a Flat Screen TV


In the market for a new TV? Confused with all the different stickers like 1080p, Full HD, HD ready? What about 4K TV’s and Smart TV’s? I’ve written up an 8-point guide to buying a modern day flat screen television while distilling the geek speak. Do have a read.


Three Essentials for Your Business Phone

Globalization and international business stops for no one. It’s clear that if you want to be taken seriously as competition for other business in the market you occupy, you need to be ready to make sacrifices. Being available as often as possible without exhausting yourself and making sure that you’re always up to date with any new developments and ideas are just two of several items that should be on your to-do list. Even those of you who aren’t high up on the executive ladder are likely to find yourself doing a few things for work on your smartphone while grocery shopping. While it’s difficult to make specific recommendations on apps for a broad scope of people, here are some basics that will definitely streamline your work-life without consuming your private time.

Mostly Everything

ACER K135 HD LED Projector doesn’t need a computer to view files, sells for PHP 39,999

acer k135 hd projector_1

It’s a segment most often ignored by home consumers: LED projectors. Apparently they’ve come a long way. We’ve seen ultra-small projectors that began the adoption of LED such as the FF1 Ultralight from Toshiba. Today, being ultra-light and ultra-compact is but one feature of these modern day projectors.