I swear, being a geek has its downsides. You tend to spend a lot for your hobbies. I recently caught the photography bug after
After being able to save for it, I went ahead and bought several accessories such as a Velbon tripod, a Sumdex camera bag, and a Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II. The last item is a portrait lens known as the “nifty fifty” which allows you to take really great portraits at an affordable price as seen in this really cute portrait of my doggie.
I’ve totalled my expenses for this new cash black hole hobby and the opportunity costs were basically a trip to Australia or a couple of trips to Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. Gawd. What next? I’ve to stop myself.
The only way I can justify spending more on photography is if I turn it into a profession, thus making the hobby pay for itself. I’ve done this for my iBook, which has been paid off many months ago by writing.
I used to have bug collecting as a hobby. Argh. Talk about spending. What about you? How expensive or cheap are your hobbies?