As a niche leader in comfortable bags, Crumpler also produces some of the most bizzare schwag. Thanks to the generosity of Charlie Paw at last night’s PhilMUG party we have the chance to do an official unboxing and and first impression run of the Loo Roll, Crumpler’s tissue roll that doubles as a paint by number coloring pad.
There were over 60+ prizes up for grabs and there were only about 30 of us who braved not going to the Microwarehouse sale the holiday traffic. Do the math and everyone goes home with two prizes each. Some even three!
We love our machines. I’ve found that Mac users can’t wait to use their machines (when they get home from work for example) whereas Windows users can’t wait to get away from their computers because they associate them with work. Obvious generalities here I know, but I think that many would agree that it’s true. [Read]
I mean, who can blame us? With icons like these in Apple’s ‘Think Different’ campaign …
Seriously now, though Mac users insist on having their Kool Aid and drinking it, the smug mentality of these users are slowly becoming saturated by the way Apple had introduced Windows compatibility and made Macs cheaper.
Hypothesis: Linux is the new Mac.
Lately though I’ve been playing a mental game whenever I watch an Apple keynote or attend an Apple press release. The game is really simple. I try to keep level headed through the presentation and figure out what Apple isn’t telling us. Aaron Brazell writes about how the Apple store is the place where intelligent people die:
However, Apple products incite a certain stupidity in people that encourages them… no, forces them… no, not even that – compels them to go to the Apple Store and buy the newest product on the day of launch or soon thereafter. [Read]
Apple knows how to feed on the ego. And now their market share is inflating, who’s to stop their heads from doing the same?
ladies and gentlemen, after fiddling with Numbers for about 30 minutes, i am so proud to announce that, i am leaving Microsoft Excel for Mac in favor of the new iWork ’08. All my current formulae have their equivalent in Numbers and my worksheets definitely look far better. For one, the cells with the infamous #DIV/0 are now replaced by just a red triangle symbol with an exclamation point inside. it may not be a big deal for some but it sure makes the sheets look neat.
i love the ease and convenience of using intelligent tables. the usual formulae such as sum, average, variance and standard deviation as well as financial like CAGR are all just drag and drop. spreadsheet work has never been this easy and FUN.
Installing the latest version of iWork ’08 will not overwrite your old iWork version. The application costs $79.00 for a solo copy and $99.00 for a family pack.
As mag:net was undergoing renovations, PhilMUG moved its meet up to Friday’s, which just opened at the Bonifacio High Street, near Serendra. Manila is such a small place. And yet we have an abundance of Macintosh user groups (aside from PhilMUG, there’s also PinoyMAC and Alamug) as well as other geek niche clubs for other operating systems, software developers, and photography. Not to mention the bloggers.
I love the Philippine “geek community.” Not only do most of them know each other, but the community has always been supportive of members in their crazy antics. That’s partly the reason why I’m crazy. They’re crazy-er.
The Mac community in particular became a good “testing ground” for my one panel comics which I post every so often in this blog. Here is the thread that started it all. The date of the first post was back in July 2005. These comics were produced using Comic Life. As you can see from my avatar, I was still young-ish looking. Heh.