Mostly Everything

How to do a soft sell for a product

This video came out about a year ago as an advocacy campaign to promote Philippine tourism. As it is the dawn of the “ber” months and the holidays are fast approaching, I’d like to encourage the foreign readers of this little blog to visit my lovely country for the holidays. The beaches and food are to die for. 🙂

Do you see the 3 second plug at the end? That’s how you do a soft sell.

Mostly Everything

Does Mark Verzo stand a chance?

For the latest Philippine news stories and videos, visit GMANews.TV

UPDATE: The Warrior Lawyer has some insight on the legalities of the issue at hand.

Shocking news yesterday, as Mark Verzo, the guy behind the infamous Boy Bastos series of websites was apprehended by authorities under the charge of potential human trafficking (i.e. prostitution).

In a statement, Verzo said:

Mostly Everything

Talking points on the issue of DRM

The Nokia N81 … not to be confused with the “Nokia iPhone” … at least not yet 🙂

Very interesting points were raised during the talk on Nokia digital music forum today. A lot of DRM issues were shed to light as well as new developments in the music industry. Most of these insights come from Sandy Monteiro who is the SVP for Digital Music, Universal Music.

  • Apple did a good job of marketing their “DRM free” music when in reality this isn’t truly the case. Having an artist’s name and title is DRM. The fact that Apple only made the download available in AAC format isn’t truly “DRM free” either. Making it available only in the iTunes Store is also a sign that this is not also truly “DRM free.”
  • A new technology is being explored to allow music sharing via Bluetooth or through other means. It involves having the fourth or fifth person paying only a fraction of the cost via wireless sharing (IrDA or Bluetooth) of what the original person had to pay when he or she downloaded the music. This is sort of like a “human Bit torrent” effect. Or the new pyramid scheme for DRM 🙂
  • In the future, music tracks can be remixed by anyone. Let’s say you have a Frank Sinatra song – you can rearrange the instruments (instead of wind instruments you can use strings) and then upload your version of the song to the Internet. The user community can then download the song and you get a royalty fee. The music tracks that participate in this program have the prior approval of the artists and the record label. Interesting?

These were some of the more interesting points raised for the future of digital music. What do you think?

Mostly Everything

On Vacation (but still blogging?!)


A really good friend doodles a lot during her spare time. This afternoon, she showed me a few of her doodles of how she perceives her friends. She made this one for me. Thanks, Riane. 🙂

I’m off to Singapore in a few hours. I’ll be blogging the Nokia Go Play event from there. Afterwards, I am off to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to meet up with college friends and Colbert Low who runs The Gadget Blog.

Mostly Everything

b5media Jobs: Sports Freak Wanted

b5media is looking for a sports freak to head the growing sports channel team. If you are interested in applying, please send a short introduction and blog URL to Christina Jones at christina at b5media dot com.

This Channel Editor’s core role will be to develop our Sports Channel into a dynamic group of blogs. The job includes:

  • recruiting bloggers and supporting them through the launch process of their new blogs
  • motivating and supporting
  • guiding and encouraging our existing team of bloggers
  • liasing between bloggers and management
  • developing the channel as a whole
  • general tech support for bloggers

In short – you’ll be responsible for making our Sports Channel the best it can be!

For the full list of requirements and details, please proceed here.