Divided camps

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It was a big toss up between watching Miss Universe or our beloved president’s SONA. But in the end, only one can prevail. Click on this link to see the battle of the week courtesy of GoogleFight!

Mostly Everything

The Ideal Gal: A Blog Tag

I’ve been tagged by Ate Shai to expose my thoughts on the ideal girl. Though I know that this person will never exist, I’ve actually listed down some non-negotiables, having been on a few set ups here and there. Thus, I will divide this tag into two: my “ideal girl” and my “non negotiables.”

My ideal girl should …

1) Have the looks. She should be tall. That kind of tall where you can be on equal footing, so that both your eyes can meet and linger for a moment before that kiss. She should have long hair and look good in a summer dress. I am also heavily attracted to chinitas.

2) Play a musical instrument or sing. OR be able to write well. Or ALL THREE! There is soul in art.

3) My mom should like her. My mom has a strong instinct with the women I date and to be humble about it, she’s always been right. She should also be able to deal with my super huge, weird, and theatrical extended family.

4) Should love animals. What can you do? I used to raise fish, keep birds, dogs, cats, hamsters, etc. She should love Hondo Vicente.

5) She should be wholesome with a dash of eccentricity. Because women are more interesting this way.

My non-negotiables …

1) She should have undergone a life changing situation that enables her to not take the world for granted. It could be an issue with work, family, friends – anything as long as it breaks her a little to gain wisdom.

2) She has to enjoy good food. It doesn’t mean eating a lot – you see I’m quite picky with food. IF she can make me enjoy the bliss of food, then that’s a big plus.

3) She should be well versed in speaking. Call me anal, but a bad accent and grammer will be a huge distraction for me. And I think you agree?

4) Should tolerate or encourage my being geeky.

5) Makes a good (potential) mom! (Guys know it when they see it I guess.)

Okay I’m supposed to tag 8 people on their ideal guy / girl …

There’s Dickoy, because he had dinner with Heart Evangelista a long long time ago! Let’s try Amanda because she’s funny. Anne, because love is such a funny thing. Kiven, Abe, Rico and Markku! I also want to hear from Elber.

Foreign shipping and Cafe Press

Around September last year I had ordered a limited edition beta tee from Astraware. I paid for it via credit card, they shipped it and some schmuck over at the warehouse / courier never got it to my house. I emailed the UK based uber cool company that makes games and told them about what happened.

(Yes you do realize that this story is one year in the making)

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We (Astraware staff and myself) really only got to act on it a few weeks ago, because I had forgotten about the incident and had remembered only because I needed to ask them for a sponsorship for the next MaPalad portable gaming meet.

The guys let me choose from their Cafe Press site (I don’t think I’m allowed to post the link, but if you find it then cool!) and shipped me really great items. This was almost two weeks ago. My question is, how long does it take for shipped items to reach the land of the Philippines?

UPDATE: Apparently, a few hours after writing this I get 2 claim slips from the post office saying my packages have arrived. Doh!

My Dad and YouTube

You know it is less quiet at home now that my dad has hogged the desktop. He’s discovered the joys of YouTube and has been leaving the dinner table rather early to play music videos of Sarah Brightman, The Jackson 5, The Carpenters, The Ventures, and The Everly Brothers.

Don’t get me wrong — I love oldies. Just not every night. For three hours. At full volume. On 5.1 surround speakers.

Oh well, at least we’re getting our money’s worth with broadband.

Mostly Everything

Superman the Movie reviews

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I still have not seen Superman Returns, but here are the one-liner reviews from my female friends:

– Oh my god Brandon Routh is so cute!
– *screeeeeam* Brandon Routh, he’s so so so gwapo!
– Laglag panty si Brandon Routh!!!
– That “S” in Brandon Routh‘s chest stands for SEXY!! *screeeeeam*