Me: Of course I remember you! (High School)
AJ: Guess what? We’re having a Wii party at my place! Can you invite your friends?
Me: Sure, where’s your house?
AJ: No, no, no, it’s the Wii party place called FriiSpirit
Me: Huwhatt???? All this time AJ, and you never told me you owned that place???
AJ: Well… yeah! So we’re having a party this Friday. Can you invite some of your blogger friends?
Me: OK. I can post it… how many can you accomodate? 30? 50?
AJ: Up to 100!
Me: Wew.
Rock Band! Guitar Hero Aerosmith! (and yes, it doesn’t come with Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing!) and Wii games from 9PM onwards!
So can you make it? Aside from several Wiis, they have 6 Guitar Hero accessories and … 2 ROCK BAND SETS!!! Everyone’s invited! Although there’s really no need RSVP, it would be nice to (WALK THIS WAY and …) get a head count. You can sign up via this Google Docs sheet.
G/F One Burgundy Plaza, Katipunan Ave.,
Loyola Heights, QC
Tel: 434-5434
Mobile: 0929-698-6738