
Student makes 3D version of Arkham Horror. Help her beta test it!

Imagine that, to complete your Bachelor’s degree you design a 3D version of one of the best board games ever made: Arkham Horror.

I’ve been so wanting to get into it, but the sheer number of expansions, time to invest coupled with finding people to actually play with hinders me from this awesome experience. If you ever drop by Hobbes & Landes or Neutral Grounds, you’ll see rows and rows of Arkham Horror core sets and expansions. I really did want it but chickened out for reasons mentioned above and instead got Betrayal at House on a Hill which doesn’t live up to par, but at least doesn’t have a steep learning curve.

Well, anyway.

I emailed this amazing lady (her name is Andi) to ask if I can participate as a beta test and she sent me the game! in exchange for feedback. The game is about 80% polished (as the YouTube vid states) and I’m just so amazed at what she was able to do.

For those asking, this isn’t an official port of the game by Fantasy Flight Games (FFG). It’s by a student. She plans to present this project to them and get an official endorsement. If you’re wondering whether this holds as copyright infringement, well .. it doesn’t. Because this is a school project, it falls under Fair Use Policy in Europe. Wow. Just wow.

If you love Arkham Horror but hate the setup process, I suggest you send her an email. She’s accepting beta testers till the 5th of February 2012.

Mostly Everything

Rest in Peace

February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011
[original design by Jonathan Mak]

I found a tiny version of the Apple logo with Steve’s silhouette from the Internet. I think it was from Leo Laporte’s Twitter account. I forget this guy and now he’s famous. I’m not a graphic designer but churning out the tribute image above took a fraction of a minute on Keynote. New template –> black background –> paste image –> auto center –> add text –> export to images. It made me realize how much we’ve taken for granted what Steve put on the table for people who wanted to be creative but couldn’t because of technical limitations. Now that’s something huh?

If you would like to use this as your wallpaper I have made a bigger 1920 x 1080 version. You can view it here.