
First off, thanks to Billycoy for sharing this on Plurk.
I’m really happy how Android handles the drop down Notifications. In fact, it’s that (alongside how I can’t use just one button for a phone) that I am not using an iPhone. Anyway, since Google allows app developers more leeway to customizing the user experience with each handset,
Pops allows you to customize your Notification alert when the screen is idle. As of late, you can customize incoming SMS, GMail, Twitter and Facebook (from messages to friend requests to notifications). You can choose from dozens of themes and even create your own using your Android device’s camera. Best of all, it’s free!
And yes, Pops does have that psychological effect in adding some cheer to work-related emails or SMS from someone you really hate. =)
If you’re on the Android Marketplace, do a search for the complete title “Pops Themes For Your Alerts” or click on this to jump to the app page.
The Transformer is one of the first Android 3.0 Honeycomb devices to make it to the Philippines. In our local scene, it is this tablet alongside the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (to be released very soon) and the iPad 2 that are currently waging the silent war for market share.
I have the official pricing:
ASUS Transformer w/o Keyboard Dock PHP 22,995
ASUS Transfomer w/ Keyboard Dock PHP 29,995.00
You can use this pricing as a benchmark as to how much cheaper you got it. I hear that an online forum is selling the complete set for PHP 25,000.
The Transformer is unique as it is currently the only tablet that comes with a keyboard dock. The dock allows the tablet to perform as a laptop and adds an estimated 16 hours of battery life to the unit when unplugged. Also, the dock comes with USB ports so you can transfer data into your tablet from an external drive.
When I featured the Transformer on my weekly tech show (watch ‘The Geeks’ every Wednesday 2-4PM at flippish.com/vjlive) I only had stock video from the press launch and some more videos from the NVIDIA booth back in February. Chris Tan, our producer had just recently bought one for USD $500 and showed it off. A summary of our feature:
– crisp, bright, screen; bigger than the iPad 2
– has problems transferring data from a Mac
– no 3G support; Wi-Fi only but easily remedied by tethering your phone
– can watch 3 movies before batteries fail
– HDMI out
Perhaps the only bad thing going for it is the fact that it doesn’t have a 3G counterpart unlike the new Galaxy Tab 10.1 and the iPad. If you really don’t care for that, the Transformer is worth getting even just for the tablet only. But I’d honestly recommend getting it with the dock to increase battery life and so you can transfer data from your external drives. With the tablet alone you’re already presented with an amazing package of screen quality and features. In terms of audio, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 has better external speakers.
OK seriously, more photos after the jump.