Mostly Everything

Hey Bloggers, Welcome to the Social!

So as to borrow the resurfaced 80’s catch phrase for getting together. The blogosphere is getting more and more exciting as the value of a linkback is merited by real world meets. Here are some things to look forward to in the next few weeks:

Social 1. This weekend, Anton Diaz and pals are inviting people for a day trek to Pampanga for a food feast as well as shoot the Hot Air Balloon Festival at Clark.

Social 2. Aileen Apolo and pals are organizing a beach getaway at Puerto Galera come end of the month of February. She has posted detailed information about the trip and from the last count, we have a handful who have committed their attendance.

Social 3
. Weird idea, but makes sense – since it is really an excuse to go shoot people. Oops that sounded bad. Since a few of our lady blogger friends were featured in Marie Claire Magazine, Abraham had a suggestion that we do a photo shoot for everybody as they are being featured slowly, but surely in different forms of media.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

10 replies on “Hey Bloggers, Welcome to the Social!”

frowning… =( work…. sana socials friday nights or sat afternoon until evening…. yung hawak natin ang sked…

Wherever you go guys, i;ll be with you in spirit..

elbs, ill be watching this next week with knox and LJ as this is very sentimental for me and knox! its the play where we first met but it never pushed through!

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