Mostly Everything

I’m Addicted to Cokin

I’m now an addict. And the worst part of it all, it was all due to my dad.

*flashback* Today I ventured to the last day of Photoworld 2007, which is really just another name for “Geeky Casino” as photographers and videographers from all walks of life converge to spend money on camera, camera equipment, accessories and a bunch of other things that I now realize I don’t need but felt like I needed them when I was there.

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So I did get stuff – a Gary Fong Lightsphere II with Amberdome and since I suck at Photoshop, filters from Cokin. Oh yes, I’m addicted to these things. It’s the closest thing to digital lomography in my opinion (actually the Lensbaby is much closer to digital lomography but I digress). I am especially fond the Star Filter that produces shots like this:

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So I decided to the new stuff to my dad. He did a once over at my new set of toys, cleared his throat and stood up. “Follow me” he said. So I tagged along, outside the door and up the stairs to the library where he keeps most of his past trinkets. He opened a drawer and pulled out a blue tupperware and I gasped when he opened it:

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My jaw dropped as dad started talking; “Cokin makes the best filters and I kept all of them because I thought I’d find a use for them in the future. It’s good that you like photography.”

The filters didn’t fit my holder but I’m sure there’s a workaround for this – so in the meantime I used my hands. If anyone knows how I can attach these old filters to my lens adapter without having to hold it up, please leave a comment and I’ll be very grateful!

UPDATE: Thanks Charo for pointing out that the P series I have can be made to work with my dad’s A series using an adapter.

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And if that’s not enough, my dad gave me colors for my flash too!

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Love you, dad.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

9 replies on “I’m Addicted to Cokin”

nice filters! the only filter i’ve used so far is…my pink sunglasses. heh.

those filters that shape the light into stars and stuff look fun!

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