The book launch is a fundraiser project of Bench featuring the who’s who in Philippine society sitting on a traveling Dimensione Chair. Proceeds from the new clothes line and sales of the new coffee table book will help benefit the Sa Aklat Sisikat Foundation. I actually don’t know how to order the book but I’m assuming you can get this at any Bench outlet. It’s for a good cause! I’m not exactly sure who the photographer was too. Will update when I get info.
Editorial direction by Philip Cu-Unjieng and Raul Manzano.
I was given a press kit and decided to post some of the press images at the gallery.
3 replies on “Bench launches coffee table book: Wear Your Consicience”
Hi, I’ve seen a Bench billboard along Magallanes (the one with the two girls and Cheska Garcia? or was it Lucy Torres? Sorry I forgot) and my brother wanted a softcopy of it.
I noticed you didn’t have that photo on your album gallery.
the pictures that i uploaded are official PR photos for distribution and printing. there are more around 🙂
Okay. Thanks 😀