Mostly Everything


The machinations of Philippine commerce is rooted in sponsorships. A sponsorship is not a gift. It comes attached with a string, more often than not a tight one. It tugs. It demands. It does so in exchange for something of greater or equal value. But it does so with a smile.

On the other hand, a patron is someone who wants nothing in return for art. He recognizes art for its own sake, a valuable gift which cannot be repaid — and continues to funnel resources for that very purpose — the pursuit of art.

When blogs were born, they became an effective medium to shake the status quo. As they grew, a lot were drowned in sponsorships. One after the other. Amidst the smiles, the glamor and the coverage, they cry, knee deep, that silent scream for Freedom.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

8 replies on “Overflow”

!st point, I’d like to think that the machinations of sponsorships anywhere in the world come with strings attached. There is no free lunch so to say. But I myself also like doing it with a smile 🙂 Makes things a lot easier.

2nd point, Freedom ALWAYS has a choice. Bloggers can choose from any of the following:
1) He / she can have his blog run 100% by sponsorships.
2) He / she can limit the sponsorships to his / her liking.
3) He / she can completely do without any sponsorships as the blogs started without them anyway.

So what’s your choice Jayvee? 🙂

Not sure what you meant but I get the impression that Nokia’s sponsorship and you becoming a Nokia and Microsoft Ambassador has got to do with this? I say speak out and be heard! 😉

hi edouard! i was referring to a trap that a lot of people can fall into. not just bloggers — but if one day, you are covered in TOO MANY sponsorships, it ties you up! there’s nothing wrong with a sponsorship. in fact, it does help with credibility too (why else would companies want to sponsor?). btw there are no hidden meanings behind this post =)

I finally read this post 🙂 I watched this film about Peter Sellers last week. And it was revealed that he did the numerous Pink Panther Sequels because he wanted to have enough founds to make “Being There”. His pet project.

Then again I remember what the Nightingale said when he refused to stay with Emperor of China. He needed to be out there in the world so he can have new songs.

I kept thinking about your “total immersion” plurk to today and I think I need one for alignment, a new direction, and, most importantly, enlightenment. There’s so much white noise everywhere.

OnT, I agree with this post and LOL at your reply to Benj 😛

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