
Brotzeit brought life to Alabang West Parade

Ever since Brotzeit opened at Alabang West Parade, the place has gone bonkers with foot traffic. I’ve been frequenting the strip mall as a bike stopover for the better part of the pandemic and it served more as a halfway respite for riders (Hugo Bikes used to be there but closed after a couple of months) and pocket meetings that didn’t want the crowds of Molito.

Snapped this photo (with excitement) when they were finishing construction!

Lo and behold, in one of my rides I found the canvas to a new restaurant concept revealed — huzzah! Brotzeit was finally coming to the south. I was telling Spanky that this was the anchor establishment that West Parade needed and I was correct — days after it opened, it was almost impossible to find parking after 8PM (usually the mall is relatively empty at night).

In the past, it was Starbucks and UCC that drove foot traffic. But once Brotzeit opened, the mall started to teem with more establishments such as Wari-Wari (really good soft bulgogi tacos) and Ippon Yari, a down-south Japanese favorite.

I’ve been frequenting Brotzeit with friends and family the past few months since the West Parade branch opened — and such timing too, since the German restaurant is now celebrating 10 years in the Philippines! Check these promos out:

I’m a huge fan of Brotzeit’s experimental beers and beer cocktails. Friends who want lighter beers will actually find their juice + beer cocktail mixes to be quite refreshing (the apple juice + beer mix hits the spot). Personally, their smoked beers are something else entirely, as a huge fan of peated Islay scotch, you get a similar taste. In addition to this, the new Schneider beers are exlusive on tap to Brotzeit as well.

As a southie, West Parade’s influx of restaurants really helps alleviate the Molito swell. Apart from Festival Mall and Alabang Town Center, the Alabang crowd only really gravitates to Westgate and Molito for outdoor dining experiences, so the arrival of Brotzeit really opens up more options for us southies!

Our “SouthDAO” meetup with Gabie Tan and Harry Santos of Stanible

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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