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Loadmomma is the “second half” of Red Mobile: Free affiliate load sending!


The summary: Loadmomma from Red Mobile combines social media and viral marketing with a prepaid load distribution.

The cat is finally out of the bag. Several weeks ago, customer service reps from uMobile (formerly CURE) called their former subscribers hinting of a new service on the rise. A lot of bloggers caught sight of this and have speculated their thoughts. This new telco, as we now know is Red Mobile. The ads are all over Facebook and the local Internet. However, there’s more to Red Mobile than just cheaper rates.

So here we go! Introducing … Loadmomma, the second half of Red Mobile and what seems to be the key missing piece. Loadmomma is a social phenomenon that challenges the way we send out load. Instead of buying load – why not earn it from other Red Mobile subscribers via a social network platform? Of course, you can always buy credits!

Quoted from the FAQ:

Anyone can be a part of the red mobile online community. All you have to do is log on to, register your personal details and recruit as many of your friends to join the load momma community. As the referror, you will be considered the “load momma.” Make sure that your friends all register—each successful referral means that you can get P10 worth of red mobile prepaid credits, which is equal to 20 minutes worth of voice calls or 20 text messages (red mobile to red mobile). [source]

A strong social network component?


Interesting as well – the account management page lets you add friends in your email address books and social networks as well (see above). Under your account management page, you can send messages, view your friends (yes, Load Momma also has profile pages like social networks) and check your load statistics. There’s also a referral link which you can use to display on your blog for load affiliate credits.


And yeah – based on the menagerie of alerts you can customize above, it IS a social network and you can even customize the CSS for your profile page.

In other words, what we’re looking at is potentially free load depending on the number of friends we recruit on a daily basis (not yet sure how this works in practice but nonetheless worth a try!). So yeah, it’s not only cheaper than 24/7 Unlimited, the long term costs are cheaper as well with its current rates. I guess this is why they have the “It’s better than unlimited” tag line on the web page.

Can I be your LOADMOMMA?

[Disclosed: BlogBank, a company I own, is running the Loadmomma campaign across its network]

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

10 replies on “Loadmomma is the “second half” of Red Mobile: Free affiliate load sending!”

Wonder how sustainable would this be in the long run. I mean, eventually, we’re going to run out of people to invite to the network. Using free load/credits to motivate people into joining a social network is good, only in the beginning. And what will people do there once they signed up?

I imagine that this could be a sort on-line directory for Red Mobile users, so that we will know who else in on Red Mobile.

Btw, I still have to receive my replacement Red Mobile SIM from the uMobile peeps. 😉 (I’m too lazy to go out and by the sim as of yet.)

a valid point. IMHO, there should be more to it than this as the load promo is only valid till jan 2009. maybe there are other ways to get free load since they are capitalizing on the social network thing.

anyhoo, let’s see!! 🙂

“The administrator is still validating your account.”

Mukang mabagal ang red mobile… its taking ages to validate an account.

either tulog na ang administrator or out of coverage area.

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