Mostly Everything

Red Ribbon’s Coffee Walnut Bavarian Holiday Cake Tasting

Wow, doesn’t it look good? If you want to be the first to taste this, you can head on over to this sign up sheet and join us.

UPDATE: We have more than 40 sign ups since the weekend. It’s gonna be loads of fun!

Date: December 10 2008
Time: 7:00 PM
Venue: Red Ribbon Libis (near the overpass)

Although this is open to friends from the entire local Internet community (yes, that’s you!), I’d like to mention that as BlogBank, it’s been a while since we’ve met up with our publishers and this is also going to be a good opportunity to catch up on things and eat great cake. We had a lot of transitioning to do in terms of the recent server migration for ads (and yes, we’re back up again with three campaigns running). Also, since we’ll be issuing payments soon, I’d also like to talk to everyone about how we’re going to be doing this in a sophisticated manner – we’re going to talk to you about blog ad networks and how we work with Philippine government taxation. So yes, everyone is invited!

It should be interesting and fun – I mean, who can resist cake? 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on “Red Ribbon’s Coffee Walnut Bavarian Holiday Cake Tasting”

Uhm, okay. Thanks Jayvee. I have already subscribed (via email) to your great posts here. Hope to meet and greet you there. I guess it will be a jam-packed event there because I have heard some of my dear blog friends are attending the event as well.

Thank you for responding.


anyway, we only wanted a registration to see how many people to prepare for. if you signed up, it means you are automatically confirmed. if you have more blogger friends to bring later, then go ahead 🙂

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