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Warhammer Online: Rally for Philippine Players!

Ah, the Joys of War!

Thus a few good things must come to an end. And we’re talking of preview weekends and open beta. Today, the Warhammer Herald announced:


What an awesome week it’s been!

Not only has the feedback been terrific but with your help we’ve been able to get the game in great shape for launch.

Beta started over a year ago and it’s truly amazing to see how far things have come, the community has grown and game just continued to improve more and more.

This has been an awesome experience and we are proud to have shared it all with you. Celebrate this moment because for many WAR is Here!

We now welcome you to take a few hours, catch up on sleep, and to all of our CE Pre-Order customers come on back at 1PM EDT for the opening of Head Start and be the first to blaze your destiny in the forges of WAR!

We cannot wait to begin the journeys to come with all of you and whether you join us in the Standard Edition Head Start or come back for launch on the 18th we look forward to welcoming you and sharing your adventures and victories in our world.

In just a few short minutes the Open Beta servers will be closed at 4AM EDT. Enjoy these last moments and prepare for those to come in the years ahead.

The road has been a long and awesome experience, but you aint seen nothing yet!

It is with our deepest gratitude and thunderous excitement that we officially end Beta. Congratulations, WAR has come and together we will unveil it to the world, a new day rises and with it comes the Age of Reckoning…

We’ll see you on the battlefield…To WAR!!!

Texted Kiven today asking what server he’d be playing in. It would be cool if the Pinoys bunched up in one server (actually, 2 servers – one for Order and another for Destruction). The logical choice would be the Oceanic servers but from what I heard, some people have a better pipe connection to the US than Australia depending on your ISP.

The Collectors Edition (me! me!) head start happens on the afternoon of the 14th (US time). Thus far, the game has delivered almost everything I looked for in an MMO including this:

WTF! I’m only LEVEL 2 and already fighting Dragonzz!


For organization purposes, I think the best place to go to rally into the “living guild” would be over here. Of course, I’m not imposing on anybody. It’s just nice to see a familiar face i nthe battlefield – even if he is your enemy! I’ll probably be found playing at the Darklands or Ironclaw Oceanic servers. On second thought it’s actually more strategic to choose a server that wasn’t in the open beta (like Marius) as a lot of guilds have already chosen these. It’s psychology, no really (!!!), and choosing the “default servers” might cram the queue. Y tu?

P.S. Warhammer Oceanic has a listing of guilds here.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

31 replies on “Warhammer Online: Rally for Philippine Players!”

WTF Datablitz Where is my Warhammer copy for early access @_@

I think Datablitz is going to release it on the 18th >_<

So which server is everybody going to be at? Order or Destruction? Time to ride the WAR Bandwagon. WAGGHHHH!

runs ok. MMO’s at this point are pretty stable when it comes to connection. it only gets better. If you’ve played WoW or Team Fortress 2 on PLDT, you’re fine.

TipidPC has a list of players who are currently in WAR.

Oh, im also on PLDT.


We crurrently have an ALL pinoy guild named Sanduguan (order side) in the Marius Oceanic server. # of members are 11 and 0 alts at the moment. Need more people. Any career or race (just as long as its on the order side) is fine.

Just Pst. Halimaw or Cardinalsin or Bartleby or Pohtina or Dyosa in the Maruis Server


Does data blitz supply game cards? I saw on their website an add for game cards but Im not too sure.

Hows the game so far? Planning to get myself a copy soon.

@cardinalsin – will create one there!

@timmy – from what i know they still don’t sell prepaid cards.

@mmoaggro – by order basis lang yung collector’s ed.


Ha! finally found pinoys playing WAR, am currently lvl 25 Bright Wizard, but Im on Praag server. Since Ive been looking for pinoys playing the game might be rerolling a new toon at on Marius… Ill PST you guys to join the guild! my friends are still playing WoW,but Ive switched. so im looking for new friends, am from Makati (02) 8567546 Dale

Dale, Sanduguan is currently hosted in Ironclaw and not in Marius anymore. Look for us there, alliance side!

btw, since you’re a BW are you experiencing a career tactic bug for Searing Vitality in the mastery training?

oh okay… ill do my BW there. unfortunately i havent tried incineration build yet, my build was immolation so am not sure. if ever its bugged though, it will be fixed for sure… just send a report to mythic. good i visited here again if not was gonna level new BW in marius.

I’ll probably transfer to ironclaw when they implement the server transfer. pa sali naman guild niyo. ilan ba kayo and ano na lvl niyo? baka wala na akong kasabay… =(

btw may website ba kayo?

Ive given up on my WoW account even if “the wrath of the lich king” expansion is coming up hahaha. Kasi WAR is much better.

anyway, ill be creating a char soon. any suggestions para makasama ko kau mga pinoy?. Just to clarify, sa sever Ironclaw, ang guild name is Sanduguan then alliance side? ill see you guys =)

[email protected]

guys paki pm naman ako Unsemont how do i pm u guys? hehehe bago lang ako kakagawa ko lang ngaun currently lvl 6

may mga pinoy pala naglalaro ng WAR, im currently a guild leader in Avelorn (North America) server since im base here in California

Hi, I’m encouraging pinoy to play Warhammer Online its fun 🙂 I’ll be at Ironclaw server Just Pm Me Ratslayer for help and info.. about 1.6k lang naman ang box+1month then pag magloload ka about 1.4k for 2 months kya play na!…

Hi I’m a new warhammer player and I’m looking for a filipino community to play with. My character is currently at level 18 by the name of Linsha, anybody seeing this post please text me at 09178876241 so I can coordinate to go online for invitation. Thanks! Let’s build the WAR Philippine community. By the way I’m an order player using Shadow Warrior.

Peace! One of the best MMO’s I’ve played and I am so hooked!!!!!

Darklands server mga pre.. most active oceanic server.. message niyo Hotstuff or Virus..

Hi, pano ba magkaroon ng game na toh? sensya na noob lang 🙂 can someone teach where/how will i start? 🙂

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