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Playboy Philippines: April 2 2008, not what people expect

ABS CBN Online interviews Beting Dolor, the EIC of Playboy Philippines:

We have the 20 questions … With this edition I can say, we will have Chiz Escudero. He’s the guy people are interested in. We have three pictorials in every issue.

But we have fiction, which the other men’s magazines don’t have. I have Sarge Lacuesta … There are just two columnists and Krip Yuson is one of them … Sarah Lara I think her name is, also a Palanca awardee. There are feature articles … The hard feature is about a tribe in southern Mindanao

The Philippine Star also sent out a release today on more details about Playboy Philippines. It will still target 30 year old and above males. There will be no nudity. The articles are in good taste. There are at least five Palanca award winners contributing to Playboy Philippines (although the EIC recants and says only four during the interview). The magazine will launch this April 2 2008 at an event in Sofitel.

So where does Playboy Philippines stand? At this theoretical point, Playboy is in competition with three titles in my opinion. These are MMPI’s MANUAL, MANIFESTO and ROGUE (former staff of MANIFESTO) magazines.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

15 replies on “Playboy Philippines: April 2 2008, not what people expect”

no nudity eh? so what makes it a playboy magazine in the first place?

oddly, i have shorn any of my reading matter that shows female nudity. i insist on the real thing, thank you.

In the magazine industry, palanca awards don’t necessarily equate to sales 🙂

The EIC said they would be using 70% local content right away. That’s too big for a first issue IMO.

I’d still buy the I’d buy the first issue though.

no titties = no sales.

men, especially in the philippines, just aren’t sophisticated enough to want to buy a magazine that doesn’t have titties, unless it’s got sports or cars as its main feature.

Bringing playboy to the philippines without the nudity is just another rich publisher buying an old name and desperately hoping it’ll still equal sales.

stop the playboy philippines thing. i’d rather have fhm or maxim since there’s no nudity in playboy philippines. playboy philippines should follow the other playboy franchises in other countries (which include frontal nudies). playboy philippines is destroying the good reputation of playboy international. it really sucks!

new chismis about Playboy. The Hef heard & saw that it was so bad… he had all the issues pulled out.

anybody out there who can confirm this?

heard more inside chismis.

Priscilla hated the original “Black Mamba Team” that did the photography. it was just a bunch of “feeling-photographer-fellows” who thought that they were good enough to do a magazine shoot.

But they were idiots and Priscilla was super disappointed. she specifically fixed up the famous SECOND SHOOT (on her own! go girl!) with a better and competent and REAL team. she told the staff of Playboy Philippines not to use any of the shots from the first shoot. but lo and behold… they still used the cooking magazine cover option. She was really pissed but gave up.

Poor Priscilla.

me and my friends saw a copy of the 2nd Playboy Philippines…

much better! i guess Beting & friends finally got their act together.

cover girl is Raquel Gibson. one of the Fil-Am international covergirls before. thank god the cover is finally a full body shot! it’s a shot of her on a bangka SS Raquel. much better.

although i still didn’t buy it… so i have no idea how the inside looks like. anybody out there seen the inside?

Apparently Mr. Ku the financier/publisher was bitchslapped by Playboy International.

That’s why the second issue (well the cover at least) is looking a million times better.

Also the current editor in chief, Beting Dolor will “resign” soon. Supposedly he won’t last beyond June or July of 2008.

Maybe the Hef though it was time to let the old dog go. HAHA!

hey does anyone want to place a bet on when Beting Dolor, the editor in chief of Playboy Philippines, will be fi… whoops… will “resign”?

i feel that August, he’ll go down in history as the fastest editor in chief in Philippines history to lose his job!


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