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Little Known Ways To Save Better

After a year like 2016, we could all stand to spend a little less and save a lot more. As usual, making better household budgets will be a popular New Year’s resolution across the States, but for many Americans, there’s a disconnect between making and following their fiscal ambitions. Most people can’t see their goals through for an entire! If you have big plans to improve your habits in 2017, keep reading to learn some simple methods to save money. They could be the reason why you stay on track this year.

Follow the 30 Day Rule
Impulse spending is your budget’s worst enemy. It can strike at any time. You’re passing by a café and convince yourself you need that triple shot venti mocha… several times a week. You see a new pair of shoes on display that you just have to have in your closet, price tag be damned. A sale goes on for the latest gadget, and you can’t not bring it home.

These little purchases can add and do significant damage to your goal. The 30 Day Rule is meant to curb these urges but it takes some self-awareness. Any time you feel the compulsion to buy, take a step back. Force yourself to walk away for 30 days, at which time re-evaluate your needs. A month provides the distance you need to make a rational decision. A true impulse buy will be revealed for what it is within a month’s time of contemplation.
Combine One Resolution with Another
We can’t all be perfect. The vast majority of us are slaves to certain, expensive vices. The average smoking habit costs nearly ,000 each year. Drinking soft drinks at every meal can wrack up the same price tag. If you eliminate these from your year, you can put nearly ,000 away to debt management or savings. Even cutting back a little bit on these habits can result in more dough in your pocket.
Write a List & Check it Twice
Santa was onto something. Having a list and sticking with it can eliminate a lot of unnecessary purchases that make their way into your cart while you’re picking up groceries. It’s a proven method that improves your chances of sticking to your meal plan and avoiding foods that might go to waste.

Don’t Be Afraid of Small Dollar Loans
Sometimes, we can overspend despite our best efforts. Bills, repairs, and other charges can pile up, zapping our savings and leaving us with no means to pay for our new obligations. If, at any time in 2017, you find yourself with a small cash flow problem, a payday loan lender online can help you bridge the gap. Their small dollar loans and lines of credit can help you cover short term financial responsibilities like bills and household repairs.

New Year’s resolutions are hard. They can be an impossible challenge once they involve money. Do yourself a favor and follow these tips. It will make meeting your financial goals a little bit easier in the New Year.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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