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Gears of War: Maximum Security Gadgets For Cyber Crimes

Technology gears up in the war against cyber-crimes developing the latest maximum security big guns in gadgets to protect consumers everywhere. Whether you choose to log in on an encrypted laptop device or your average smartphone, you will have more ammunition and shields to keep you protected from hackers, identity thieves, and malware.

Body Armor Protection Against Hackers
Currently consumers only have easily hackable passwords to log in to their favorite devices. Microsoft is leading the front lines of change to shield users by equipping them with the ability to use their own bodies as passwords so hackers cannot steal identities and precious personal information. The upcoming Windows 10 operating system signs in users with WindowsHello that detects a user’s identity through the individual’s face, fingerprints, or eye’s iris to log the person in.
According to an article on, nothing on the device can be accessed by anyone but the user. Called biometric authentication, it confirms a user’s identity by using the individual’s personal features. The device stores this biometric signature locally where it is not shared or accessible to anyone else.
Enterprise-grade security fits well for organizations like government, banks and healthcare where private information safety is top-priority. These industries are the most vulnerable because of the wealth of data they store to for criminals to steal identities and make themselves wealthy from weak safety measures on rugged laptops.
Shock-proof, water resistant devices like the Panasonic Toughbook and Toughpad were introduced to leverage their superior strength and advanced data protection capabilities against extreme environments and unauthorized access. Such devices are ideal for situations where high-profile and critical information needs to be kept safe at all costs.

Android Beefs Defense Against Hackers
Malware has been an issue for Android users for a long time now, especially on Google Play’s store. p the past, reported third-party security vendors have tried to beef defenses on their own. Now, Google is counting on its Bouncer app-vetting system to boost defense aid by giving malicious applications the boot out of its online plaza.
Another security defense placed on Android stated in the same article is a geo-fencing option called Trusted Places. A user’s device is set to remain unlocked when in a trusted environment like the person’s home. There is also in place a feature that encrypts data needing to be protected. Personal and business documents remain cryptic should a device get lost or snatched.

Workplace Communication Redefined
Technological advances are not just changing the way we personally approach our computing, it also is redefining how we communicate and interact in the workplace as well. One example written about on is an anonymous application called Memo. It allows users share questions and issues about their company with their professional colleagues and management. Using LinkedIn, Memo verifies an individual works for a particular company then assigns an anonymous identity using the company name and certain numbers.

Messages can be shared privately to certain users on the Memo board of the company the individual works for or shared publicly with all users on Memo. The idea is for employees to be able to bring up concerns without unwelcome consequences from upper management or fellow coworkers for speaking up. So far, there have not been any known nasty incidents that have occurred.

The ability to be truly anonymous on a platform leaves some skeptical, especially when the anonymous application Whisper was revealed to track users through geolocation and FBI information sharing. Memo states in its privacy policy that it saves the email of a user just long enough to verify information. Then the email address information is permanently erased and cannot even be shared with FBI agents.

Malicious Social Media Advertisements And Spam
Social media is an appetizing breeding ground for criminals to prey on unsuspecting users with malicious advertisements. According to information posted on, shared videos can be embedded with links designed to phish information or install malware on the devices of users who click on them, even the rugged laptops. This type of attack has been on the rise over the past year and especially targets teenagers, who may be more likely to click on the malicious ads.

Current spam filters may have been doing an effective job of keeping out unwanted emails, but criminals are developing a sophisticated arsenal to get past cloud scrubbing measures and access potential targets. Email users may see a rise in the number of spam messages arriving in their inboxes in the future. If a user suspects a message may be spam, it is wise to delete the message immediately and leave unopened.

The current world is filled with a continual barrage from hackers trying to get personal information and steal identities from any smartphone or rugged laptop. By utilizing these newest maximum security gadgets being released, the gears of cyber-crime war may one day grind to a halt when unbreakable laptops halt hackers once and for all.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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