Mostly Everything

Satisfying Green Initiatives In The Petroleum Industry

It may not come as a surprise that many individuals would consider an eco-friendly oil industry more of an oxymoron than a reality. At a time when the construction and maintenance of controversial pipelines across North America are earning harsh criticisms from the public—particularly that of the recent spill contaminating the North Saskatchewan River—the petroleum industry is viewed with suspicion despite the world’s heavy reliance on its products. As such, consumers are calling for environmental regulations on processes that are seen to have the most devastating impact on our climate.

As the world’s governments are attempting to draft and ratify legislation regulating the industry, there’s pressure for individual companies to make innovative changes to their oilfield applications on their own. There’s a growing emphasis on products that comply with current standards (like, for example, micro-toxicity regulations in Alberta) and products that satisfy evolving eco-friendly concerns. These green initiatives require a transformation in the composition of specialty additives used in hydraulic fracturing, cementing, and drilling. As a result, those involved in oilfield applications are striving to learn about the latest in specialty additives in their field.
Change is nothing new within the petroleum industry. It’s been evolving along with market demands and government sanctions since its inception, and only those that have managed to develop along with these changes have succeeded.In order to meet the demands of the current economy, some consulting needs to be done. Specialized additive suppliers on the forefront of change can help formulate and dispense alternative products that make secure foundations to any green initiative. These distributing companies, such as Cambrian Solutions, work with a team of scientists, technicians, and supply partners in order to deliver on innovative ingredients that are bio-renewable, biodegradable, and naturally derived.

A deft and personal touch can make all the difference in the quality and success of eco-friendly alternatives. Specialized additive suppliers can help you face oilfield application challenges head on with new and innovative products. Whether they are to be used in stimulation, cementing, production and disposal well products, or drilling, there’s a way to encourage green initiatives, and they’re found in the laboratories of distributing companies like Cambrian.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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