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A Few Tips to Help You Get Approved for a Loan if You Have Bad Credit

There is a huge rise in demand for loans for people with poor credit ratings. This is mainly because everyday people are still suffering from the recent economic collapse. Additionally, prices continue to rise. People with bad credit often feel as if there is no way out for them if they need money in a hurry. If you find yourself in that situation, the following tips may be of benefit for you.

Apply for Bad Credit Loans
First of all, you need to know the types of loans that are out there for people like you. Have a look at sites such as the 123moneyhelp blog to see what is out there. The payday loan is a very popular option for many people, which is an extremely short term loan.

One of the most attractive things about payday loans is that they are very easy to apply for. You just need to find a website that offers them, fill in the form, get accepted and watch the money appear in your account. However, just because something is easy doesn’t mean you should do it. Payday loans are expensive, so make sure you can afford them.

No matter what bad credit loan you apply for, you have to do a few things to increase the chance of actually getting accepted. Most, for instance, will require a few pieces of documentation about you, such as proof of identification, address and employment. You should have all that paperwork at the ready before you apply, particularly when you apply online, as some sites will time out if you wait too long.


You also need proof of a bank account. Usually, the money will be deposited straight into your account and the payments will be taken straight out of your account as well. Hence, you need to have a bank account in this country that allows for those types of facilities. Some lenders will also require you to have held the bank account for a certain period of time.
Most loans for people with bad credit have very high interest rates and they have come under significant criticism for that. It is not uncommon with a payday loan, for instance, to have to pay back $15 for every $100 borrowed. While this is very high, the reason for this is that the lender takes a tremendous risk in borrowing you money in the first place. Secondly, because they are very short term loans, you actually pay less interest than you would on a similar loan principal that runs over many years. Of course, if you decide to roll your loan over, you will accrue more interest each time as well.

There are plenty of options out there if you have bad credit yet still need a loan. The important thing is that you know you can afford the repayments and that you only apply with those lenders that will give you the greatest chance of being accepted.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting TechNology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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