Mostly Everything

Motorized Blinds: geeking out your home

When motorized blinds first donned the market, it would be fair to say that there were several raised eyebrows. Not because of the idea – this was something that was always going to hit the shelves eventually – but because of the target audience. Most people thought that they were just targeted towards the “elite” group of homeowners – those that had pots of money to install these extravagant devices.


At the time of their release, this may have been the case. Like anything tech-related, prices have tumbled but that’s not the only reason why these products are appealing to a much wider market. Now, people are finally starting to understand that motorized blinds aren’t just a gizmo to show off at the next garden party – but something which can add considerable ease and value to our lives.

Of course, there is an element of convenience with them and some people will just turn to them because they do make life that much easier. They were initially designed for those inaccessible windows, such as roof windows, that just weren’t controllable via any other means. However, it won’t be a surprise to hear that a lot of people did have them installed on standard windows, just to reap the convenience.

Some of these people may have had completely different views though, perhaps related to saving money and keeping their home’s temperature in check. While some households may purchase motorized blinds for show, others might do it for investment purposes. For example, when your home is building up a sweat in the middle of the summer, the last thing you want is to come back from work and melt inside. On the other side of the coin, in the winter it goes without saying that you’ll want to do everything you can to preserve as much warmth as you can without turning to the costly central heating.

Motorized blinds aren’t going to eradicate your heating and cooling bills completely, but they can make a substantial difference. Most modern versions arrive with a programmable timer, which allows you to control exactly what period of the day they are drawn. As such, they can be manipulated at the peak times to either keep in the heat in, or block it from entering.
The technology can also aid from a security perspective, again through that nifty programmable timer we mentioned in the previous paragraph. If you can manipulate your blinds through the day, and ultimately make it look as though your home is being occupied, it’s a sure-fire way to deter potential intruders. Admittedly, this probably isn’t going to be the sole reason for your purchase – but it’s another example of the technology coming to the typical homeowner’s rescue.

And there we have it – motorized blinds aren’t just for the rich and famous. If you are technologically inclined, this is a product which can actually serve a purpose and benefit your home’s temperature regulation, security amongst other issues.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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