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Tips To Make Your Products Stand Out In Brick & Mortar Stores

Mediocrity is for the second best. Brick and mortar stores attract thousands of new customers, and guess what? They buy those products that capture their attention and stand out from the crowd. If you don’t have the right product placement, or don’t make your products stand out in a competitive environment, you’re toast. All is not lost, however.

If you make an honest effort to push your comfort zone, and take measures to bring your product(s) in front of the consumers, you can differentiate your company from the competition and enjoy decent revenue. So what can be done to represent your products in brick & mortar stores in the best way possible? Here are some key measures that can help:

Appealing product descriptions
Take a deep look at your product descriptions and think about what you’re selling and your target customers. You’ll have to do your best to prove to customers that the item you’re selling will actually give them the ethereal feeling they have always dreamed about in a physical offering.
A good product description includes an eye-catching logo that is the first-attention-getter, followed by something in-between, such as words that reveal the characteristics of your item and the ways in which it would make a difference in the customer’s life.

Floor displays
A portable custom cardboard display could be a viable option if you’re selling items like books, DVDs or CDs. Such floor displays offer point of sale opportunities and brand differentiation through product placement.
The floor display strategy is already utilized in some big name brick and mortar stores such as Sam’s Cub and Costco. Some options can be used to enable consumers to shop from all four sides of the display, which is a great way to maximize product promotion in a store.

Display cases
Like floor displays, display cases serve a critical function in promoting your product. A high-priced product can be placed in a lighted display to draw shoppers to it. The display can also act as a countertop interaction area for added convenience.
For example, a gemstone or an expensive watch can be placed in a lighted display, and if a consumer takes interest, the store associate can quickly pull out the product to physically show the customer. Display cases can also act as an impulse buy area when placed near the cash-register, and a store associate can further enhance its effectiveness by answering customer queries and facilitating engagement.

If you’re selling products that complement other products in a store, then placing your items next to them could be a great way to grab consumer attention. For example, dips can be placed beside nachos because consumer purchasing the nachos is likely to give attention to the dip.
Likewise, products that are dependent on seasons can be placed next to the tills to incite impulse buying. For example, placing umbrellas next to the tills on a rainy day is likely to appeal to customers and could turn out to be a great recipe to increase revenue. Promotional items can be placed at the end of aisles, where they can grab attention as shoppers walk towards an aisle.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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