
This underwater video is really good. But there’s something this photographer isn’t telling you..

Like my click-bait title? I swear these types of headlines are annoying. So yeah the video is awesome. But what “I didn’t tell you” is that I didn’t use any artificial light for this. My only light source was the sun!

See what I did there? LOL.

Anyway, over the weekend, we got the Sony RX-100 Mark II wet! Yep, we bought a new camera system for underwater photography. Not that I’m totally ditching my old Canon 350D — but a circa 2006 camera w/ 5MP in it can be a bit frustrating to use. They say that the best camera is the camera you currently have, so I currently have a Sony DSC RX-100 Mark II, a follow up to 2012’s RX-100. I will do a full review of the camera out of water in a separate post.

Let’s watch!

UPDATE: Check out my RX-100 Mark II camera review

SONY RX-100 Mark II Underwater Test from jayvee Fernandez on Vimeo.

Dive Site: Coconuts, Anilao, Philippines
Camera: Sony RX-100 Mark II
Housing: Nauticam Underwater Housing w/ Fisheye Wet Lens
Music: I'm Not Through by OK Go

NOTE: I would honestly advise watching it in HD. Sadly I can’t embed HD video with my Vimeo account. So here’s a link to the HD version directly from Vimeo:

Dive Site: Coconuts, Anilao, Philippines
Camera: Sony RX-100 Mark II
Housing: Nauticam Underwater Housing w/ Fisheye Wet Lens
Music: I’m Not Through by OK Go
Made with iMovie

cuttlefish rx100

rx100 mark 2 sample shot

Thanks to my dive buddy Stephen Tan (above!) and to Adrien Uichico / Scott Gutsy Tuason of Squires Bingham Sports at BGC for the Nauticam housing, wide port and 67mm adapter ring. Special mention of course goes to Robert Suntay for helping me out with the video settings and for being a huge inspiration with his Mark I videos. I’d also like to call out the helpful folks from Sony Philippines: JV Ruanto and Erica Dela Cruz for listening to my non-stop raves about this camera.

Superior white balance controls, huge 1″ sensor and the ability to take photo stills while recording video are the key selling points of this camera, especially for underwater photographers and videographers.

muck dive reef

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting TechNology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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