Mostly Everything

Giving away Five (5) Hair Cut w/ Hair Spa Gift Certificates c/o Salon Beauvoir

OK here’s the thing. I want to conduct an experiment of sorts. Many years ago I gave away bikinis (thanks Sassa!) and got a thunderous response for entries from my female readers. I’m going to put this to the test once more. You see, I’ve been looking over a lot of qualitative data on this blog’s readership care of Effective Measure and the results are actually startling. On a per week basis, 34-40% of my readers are female, and are between 24-35 years old. Of that percentage, 20% are married. I mean, wow. Never expected that. So I want to do a social experiment. With a salon.

N.B. I don’t want to stereotype, but usually, it’s the women who go to the salon, but men can win this too! =)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I’m running a contest for SALON BEAUVOIR, the most excellent Salon in Makati in my opinion because its name is just so classy. And it also doesn’t feel weird if I walk into what seems to be a traditionally “feminine” location. I’ve had my hair done here twice. Yep, you heard that right — they have a male grooming section that adds that masculine look to a portion of the salon. So yes, you CAN bring your partner here (I’m talking to you girls!) and trim his beard while you do the things you girls normally do inside a salon.

So yeah let’s keep this contest simple.


1. To win one of five hair cut + hair spa GC’s all you need to do is participate in the raffle.
2. To join, simply LIKE the Facebook page of the Salon via Rafflecopter.
3. To increase the chances of winning, LIKE 8List also via Rafflecopter. (Salon Beauvoir is a 8LIST sponsor)
4. Winners will be chosen by the end of the month, the 30th of November.
5. You can win only once. Rafflecopter will keep track of your VALID email address to send out prizes.

Check out the interior photos:

Salon Beauvoir also comes has more private function rooms for group sessions. If you’re wondering where this is located, it’s right beside Old Swiss Inn at Sommerset.

Upper G/F, Somerset Olympia, 7912 Makati Ave. cor Sto. Tomas St.
1200 Makati
Phone 904-5154
Email salonbeauvoir (at) yahoo (dot) com

That’s it! Let’s see what happens!!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on “Giving away Five (5) Hair Cut w/ Hair Spa Gift Certificates c/o Salon Beauvoir”

wOW! love the interior design of the salon, very classic.unfortunately, can’t join the contest since i’m not from manila.. anyway, congrats to the winner (in advance). 🙂

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