
SMART can give you the last 6 digits of your Globe number when you switch. And more.

In terms of the “industry wars” it seems that the ones involving telcos are the most fascinating. As someone who’s been involved in the industry for more than 8 years, I tend to hear things, a lot of them being allegedly true and others rumors. A number of these include SMART choosing earlier to invest in improving their data network in the late 2000’s while Globe introduced the unlimited texting scheme to increase subs. It’s also an allegedly “cute” reason why SMART bought SUN — to have introduced their own unli-text services without losing money while still relegating half the competition. Today, SMART is reaping the benefits of an early investment with a better mobile data network in most areas. A network modernization program takes between 2.5 to 5 years and Globe has just begun theirs. Are you willing to wait that long? By that time, gigabit connection speeds should already be the norm.

N.B. PLDT (Smart’s parent company) on the other hand is bringing in the 100G technology which will complete the modernization plan by November.

I switched from Globe to SMART back in 2003. It was a “reward” to myself for nabbing my first job at Landco Pacific (in hindsight, my first job was with a MVP-owned company) plus my Globe bills were getting these weird “dollar conversion” things that overcharged me all the time. If I remember correctly, 2003 was about the time Addict Mobile was first offered, SMART’s answer to GenTXT. By that time I considered myself immune to all the marketing of both SMART and Globe and all I wanted was a bill that was easy to read. SMART’s was easier to read. And never was I once overcharged.

It’s been like that for the past 9 years, I’ve never looked back. Especially since they really nailed better data connection in most areas. Look, they may not be top grade all the time, but at all things constant, they’re much better with data. And that’s what everyone needs for iMessage, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and the like. And really — it’s not just that — I tether my iPhone 4s to my Mac or at times use the Rocket Wifi to download 1GB files in less than 15 minutes. It’s more stable than my SkyCable home connection. Sure it’s heating up the iPhone, but whatever.


So now it seems that SMART is actively doing some sort of public service and taking direct action towards irate and unsatisfied Globe customers by offering a clear path to switching. If you can’t wait to switch from Globe, SMART will make it easier with only a few steps alongside discounts. They will even deliver the new handsets to your home AND preserve the last 6 digits of your Globe number (if available). The number preservation seems to be the #1 reason why people have chosen not to switch.

Come to think of it, I never bought a phone since then as SMART would always give me a free unit every 1 1/2 years if I kept the retention plan so I always had an updated device. And they were really generous with so many other things such as allowing me to try out a BlackBerry when it still wasn’t sexy and even helping me become the first official Windows Phone user in the Philippines outside Microsoft and SMART through my retention plan.

So this is it, kids! If you’ve been wanting to switch, say so on Twitter. Hashtag is #TimeToChange. They’ll spot you. OR you can do it yourself. This is the right time.

  • Switchers may apply through the following:
    * Online –
    * Hotline – 1–800-10-LIVMORE (5486673)
    * SMS – 0907–LIVMORE (5486673)
  • Switchers may get plans from All-In Plan, Data Plan and the new affordable Freedom Plan
  • Requirements to switch: ID, 2 months Globe Bill, if application is via online or telesales, phone will be delivered

So essentially you get 25% off your bill for the first 12 months, you get to keep the last 6 digits of your Globe number, and you get the new phone delivered to your home. If you’re clueless about the plans, let me recommend getting an UNLI data package (click here, quick!) with Plan 2000 because that’s honestly the sweet spot of phones to choose from, namely the HTC One X or the Samsung Galaxy S3 which are honestly the best Android phones in the market today. You can go higher with plan 3000 for an iPhone.

That’s it. You’ll be happy. Especially if you use data often. I’ve convinced a lot of friends and they agree. The mobile Internet is much faster on SMART.

FULL DISCLOSURE: SMART Communications is an advertiser on this blog

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting TechNology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

2 replies on “SMART can give you the last 6 digits of your Globe number when you switch. And more.”

I have globe and smart. Globe sucks with data. Use my smart for internet. Wish my globe friends would shift to smart so i can give up my globe line! Recently tried to call both hotlines for a query. Surprisingly, i didnt have to wait long for smart. Glad they’re improving the service. Globe, ang tagal nyo sumagot….

Hi. Is this promo still available now. I’m sorry if i just came across your blog now. I’ve been itching to switch to smart from globe due to their hidden charges as you mentioned.

you will respond to my query. Thank you!

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