Mostly Everything

Lytro Light Field Cameras Pricing: starts at USD $399 for 8GB model

I have been waiting for these to make it to retail and yes folks, this is definitely worth ordering for the holidays. The Lytro camera is part of the next generation camera technology that may replace point and shoot digital cameras as we know it.

In the “past” the conventional way of taking photos would be to focus on a subject and then take a snapshot. A lot of frustration can happen once photos are loaded onto the computer because shots were out of focus. I experience this a lot with underwater photography as I shoot using a 60mm macro lens and taking photos in strong current while floating (my typical subjects are usually the size of a grain of rice) make it so hard to concentrate on photography.

For instance, this photo I took of two shrimp isn’t the best in focus as I really had a hard time getting a sharp shot. Mind you, my subjects aren’t big. Each shrimp was about 1/4 of an inch long. Add to the fact that I was being swept away by the current and the critters were very camera shy often hiding on the other side of the fauna. If I had a camera with Lytro technology, this wouldn’t have been a problem: it allows you to post-process the focal point of your photo!

My second worry when this tech was introduced was that it would be super hard to actually share these on Facebook or Twitter because you’d need to have some javascript enabled to actually have your friends appreciate the shots. Well, Lytro fixed this by adding support for Facebook and other social networks.

You know what? If you still don’t know what I’m talking about visit this page and see for yourself. Click on areas of the photo so you can adjust the focal point. I hope that this technology gets adopted into all digital cameras in the near future. It changes the paradigm of photography.

Check them out on Facebook: Click on the photo to see the effect.

Note: The Lytro experience is only Mac compatible as of the moment. Windows version in the works.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

4 replies on “Lytro Light Field Cameras Pricing: starts at USD $399 for 8GB model”

I so want this! This is so practical for the photographer who just want to literally point and shoot. sometimes nakakataranta to fix the settings tapos wala na ung moment. I wonder how this performs in low light settings…

Am I the only one who thinks that this is mostly about the software and just a tiny bit about the camera itself? hehe

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