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Geek Orgasm Trifecta: Sandy Bridge. Portal 2. Sixense Motion Sticks

Sandy Bridge. Portal 2. Sixense motion controllers.

Several months ago, a friend showed me some benchmark tests for the new Sandy Bridge video cards. You see, about two years ago, desktops — and even laptops would be equipped with what I would call “poor excuses” for video cards. They sucked. And this would always require card manufacturers like NVIDIA and ATI to sell you a dedicated graphics card. You could get decent ones between PHP 3,000.00 – PHP 6,000.00. Times have changed. Intel’s latest Core processors (they’re really pushing the mid-range Core i5) have video cards that outperform some of today’s current high end GPU’s. In other words, if you buy one of these processors for your new rig, you will need to buy a video card above PHP 10,000.00 else you’ll just have redundant hardware.

In the video above, we have a guy from Sixense playing Portal 2 on a dedicated Core i5 graphics chip. He’s using the new motion sense sticks (basically your PC is now a Wii) to play.

Bottomline: I can finally justify spending for a Core-based processor. It’s like I’m spending for both the processor and the video card.

Portal 2. Awesome.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

9 replies on “Geek Orgasm Trifecta: Sandy Bridge. Portal 2. Sixense Motion Sticks”

Hi Jayvee, 😀

On a totally unrelated note, would you know when we’re getting the NoDo update for WP7 here in the Philippines? I’ve been checking for updates everyday and wala pa rin eh. Thanks.


Thanks for the reply, ikaw lang kase ibang kilala ko using WP7 here. Haha. But yea, yung naririnig ko baka sa April nga daw. Thanks again.

Yea. 🙂 haha. Pero my friends who have iPhones are impressed with the WP7, ganda lang eh. I still use my iPhone din, only because of Instagram. Wala pa kaseng maganda talagang magandang photosharing sa WP7.

I actually asked Johnny Benitez on Facebook about NoDo. Hahaha. He got it already. 🙁 Must be because I’m using the Windows Phone Connector for Mac.

It’s just my assumption, but it could be the reason. Sobrang minority na tayo. Windows Phone 7 users on a Mac. Hahaha

We’ll get it soon I’m sure. 😀

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