Mostly Everything

Beyond Earth Hour: Coffee Conversations


(My friend Joanne made the flyer above and I’m kinda red from her description of me. Anyway .. 🙂 )

Hello! 🙂 As some of you may know I volunteer some of my time with WWF Philippines. Although mostly involved with projects relating to coral triangle efforts (I donate my dive videos to the organization), I’ve been asked to help organize a series of coffee conversations between the online community and the Worldwide Fund for Nature. The first of the series has to do with Earth Hour and how we can go beyond the hour.

I sent an email to a few online friends (guys, no need to re-confirm) but decided to post the invite here, in case others are interested to attend:

Although a huge success every year (the Philippines has the highest participation worldwide) it isn’t enough to switch our power off for one hour. Making a difference requires building habits. This year and so forth, we’re going to be doing things beyond the hour. But we need your help as well to create and spread these ideas.

For those who’ve always wanted a chance to dialogue with WWF Philippines (they are proudly the most active branch of WWF in the world because of their sustainable development projects and coral triangle efforts), this is your chance. This isn’t a one shot deal — we want to involve you for the long run 🙂

We have very limited slots due to venue size.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

8 replies on “Beyond Earth Hour: Coffee Conversations”

I too would love to join but can’t because I’m taking care of my little girl. I’ll be looking forward to the conclusion of your brainstorming session though to see how I can participate 🙂

So love to attend although could not make it because of my situation and the distance. Anyway i’m always a supporter of WWF Earth hour and have actually posted this in my blog. Thanks!

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