Mostly Everything

And the Samsung Shark laptop goes to…

Grabe. What a wait. First off, apologies that it took so long! Let’s cut to the chase. Congratulations to Marlon Esguerra! Samsung felt that his entry was simple and captured the essence of their products. I’ll send you an email for instructions on how to claim your prize!


Congratulations Marlon. Right now you are the source of everyone’s envy — even me. Because I really want that laptop!

As for the other contest, hold on! =)

By the way, Samsung will be holding more contests online via their Samsung IT Hub Facebook page. I suggest you add them up. it’s fairly new but according to Juno this will be a hub for contests and other announcements for 2011.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting TechNology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

40 replies on “And the Samsung Shark laptop goes to…”

Congrats, Marlon! Merry talaga pasko mo!

Hope you can post a pic somewhere showing you grinning like a shark with your Shark!


congrats marlon! congrats jayvee! congrats samsung!

wow, c0ngratz kuya, ,parang simply lng ung reacti0n mu ah?haha, .pg aku manalo bka napunu q na ng thank u ang site nato. . Haha. .c0ngrats ang swerte m0 t0l.

congratulations marlon!!! thank you so much samsung and abuggedlife and to you kuya jayvee that was a way exciting contest..! looking forward for the next contests =)

Congrats Marlon! Happy ang yong Christmas! Sana the 9 non winning finalists mayron man lang consolation prize hehe.. hirap kya magisip napaka-mind boggling nung game.

andaya nmn…npaka unfair nito… and deadline ng submission of entry is dec 11 while marlon send his entry dec 14… its very disgusting!

Hello everyone,

Jayvee called me yesterday to clarify if Marlon stays as the winner even if his entry is past the deadline –

Here’s the thing :We are very happy with everyone’s comments and were so thrilled that we considered all entries up to the very last comment. 🙂

Pls know that ur comment was deliberated on (esp. those who were shortlisted). In the future, we shall make sure to announce that the contest is extended (in case we cross the deadline initially set.)

Thanks for being a good sport, u guys!!! More Samsung products up for grabs when you join the Samsung IT Hub Facebook Fan page. Pls also join Share The good News (Printers) Facebook Fanpage .

On Behalf of Samsung, Merry Christmas everyone. 🙂


Oh past pala sa deadline entry niya?. .hehe. .okay lng yun. .he deserves it. .im hoping to win something this december. .I already joined samsung IT Hub. .hehe. . .and there are just like 40 or less members. ,maybe I should tell my friends to like the page. .

wala man lang kadating2 eh. make us laugh daw eh di naman yan nakakatawa. chaka eh.! mas marami pa magaganda jan anu ba yan!

awwww sna naging FAIR naman po… For me d nman gnun kganda ung entry nya pero xa p rn ung npili kn0wing the DEADLINE IS OVER for his entry!?? Actually mas pasado p saken ung kay An0nym0us e, ung umapela b4…hahaha…his choice is better! Anyway, iba iba nman tau ng preference n0t 1 of da judges to declare who wins or n0t…but im with my 0pini0n. Un lng! Hehehe

ahhh.. so dec 15, 2:38pm pala ang naging deadline ng entries (when Juno thanked everyone for joining).. so sayang, naka-submit pa sana ng additional entries.. heheheh.. ;p

Hayy finally makatulog narin ng maayos, parang nakakuha ng needed closure. Kahit di ko feel ang entry, congrats na rin sa winner, with a tinge of bitterness, obviously. Sana alagaan mo yang laptop KO. Akin! Akin! AKin.

na late pla talaga si kuya Marl0n, ,hehe
Eto ung post

Marlon says: December 14, 2010 at 2:05 pm Samsung
Na Gamitin

Jayvee Fernandez says: December 14, 2010 at 2:13 pm guys, this contest is finished. nung
saturday pa. new contest out.

After ni marl0n ng post c sir jayvee. .hehe. ,

sna naging FAIR naman po… For me d nman gnun kganda ung entry nya pero xa p rn ung npili kn0wing the DEADLINE IS OVER for his entry!?? Actually mas pasado p saken ung kay An0nym0us e, ung umapela b4…hahaha…his choice is better! Anyway, iba iba nman tau ng preference n0t 1 of da judges to declare who wins or n0t…but im with my 0pini0n. Un lng! Hehehe

been an avid fan of this contest. imho, the winning entry doesnt sound funny.. coz the criteria said it should make people laugh.. oh, anyway., to each his own.

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