Mostly Everything

An Update with the Samsung Contest

Guys, I have over 1,500 entries for the Samsung Shark laptop. Wow. As I previously announced that I will announce the winners tomorrow night, is it OK if you give me more time to sift through the winners? I’ll probably announce the winner on Monday or Tuesday morning, latest. This is also because Sunday night is the Philippine Blog Awards and it would be great if you could come! I heard that sponsors wil be raffling off several neat things as well!

Secondly, this week was supposed to be the “halfway mark” for the contest series. I had planned on ending the year with this contest and resume the raffles by early January since I really won’t have time to judge entries. However, Samsung was really happy with the responses from this week’s contest that they wanted to sponsor another week (!!!) of prizes. We’re still finalizing the prize so again, please bear with me as I try to accomodate everyone for the holidays!

Yay Samsung!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

29 replies on “An Update with the Samsung Contest”

Wow Wow Wow, I really understand you sir, and I know they understand too, its okay, you should have time, enjoy. .hehe. .and my bet was true, I have said that it would come to 1,500 entries, Amazing guess. .hehe

Hi Jayvee!

Syempre naman! I know that everyone understands your side. I guess anyone who’d judge that contest would really have a hard dami ba naman nang mga entries XD! And wow! The Philippine Blog Awards! How I really wish to come and attend the awarding… Kaso ngalang medyo malayo-layo ksi samin yung Enjoy the intense of the event though! Merry Christmas!

ok lang po! so still sending of entry is up to 11:59 tonight?
sana po samsung galaxy tab ulit and galaxy s
enjoy the day!…will wait for the announcement of my name…hehehe

thanks po…

Very nice attitude everyone! Makitakita mo talaga ang pagiging creative nating mga Pinoy through contests haha. I really enjoyed the Tagalog ones. How do yo guys come up with those wacky lines? I think it’s really interesting like what usually inspires you aside from the prices?

Best of luck everyone!

Of course, it’s okay! We could wait. Thanks for letting us know. 🙂

Good luck with sifting through the entries. And good luck, too, to all participants, including myself. 🙂

And I’m looking forward to that other Samsung contest. Thanks Samsung! 🙂

hi jayvee!

Thanks for your patience 1500 plus entries is a lot! 🙂 i hope u have as much fun reading through the entries as i did thinkin of SAMSUNG words :)first timer ako sa blogreply 🙂 yes i’ll wait for you to announce my name hihihihi 🙂

Yey to Samsung for their generosity and continuous shower of freebees! Lookin 4ward to the upcoming games!

lou anne

Cheers to Jayvee and Samsung! More power. Feeling guys will give out prizes to runner ups as well for this contest and for the next. Waaahooooooo. Oh what a joy! =]

d q alam ah?mer0n pa pac0ntest pgktap0s n2?wow. . .grabe. . .dami chances, hehe. .sana ung mga image, ph0to or video c0ntest naman. .haha. .

Hey Jayvee! I was at the Philippine Blog Awards last night. Was waiting at the lobby for you so I can say hi but you took FOREVER to come out.

I had a field day laughing at your “Galaxy” comment. That was just too funny.


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