Mostly Everything

The Internet you CAN’T have

Skeptical? 112MBPS from Sky Broadband is a connection available for residential areas. The catch? You can’t have it unless you own a unit in Rockwell. Also, it costs roughly PHP 20,000.00 a month to keep this line. Yesterday, the Sky Broadband team didn’t have anything exciting to download as torrents were not permitted. Typical.

So I went ahead and downloaded (and updated) Steam, which took as long as downloading a photo and then proceeded to download Portal which was a 5GB file. Based on the actual speed test that day, I was able to download the entire game in 20 minutes. In perspective, it usually takes me an entire day or two to download a typical 5-8GB game digitally and my connection, which is also a Sky Boradband line never hits 1MBPS.

Another perspective, the 112MBPS may not be true. I’m only getting 8.1MBPS (which is still fast — teehee!)

Here are screen shots I took while having lunch with Freya Santos and Jec Cunanan from the Bayan Telecommunications team:

TIME STAMP: 12:46:27

TIME STAMP: 12:54:41

TIME STAMP: 13:04:46

TIME STAMP: 13:06:01

I think this is bad ass marketing. It’s FAST INTERNET and YOU can’t have it. If you want one you’ll have to buy a loft or live at the Hidalgo Bldg in Rockwell. Oh and if that’s not enough you still have to shell out 20k. Bad. Ass. None of that “hey this is the fastest Internet and it’s only this cheap BLAH BLAH BLAH.”

Fast Internet costs money folks.

Footnote: This actually makes Powerplant Mall the best “tambayan” for free WiFi.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

12 replies on “The Internet you CAN’T have”

I wonder how long it will take before the other telcos catch up to that kind of speed? That looks pretty much exciting and the thought that other telcos will offer that kind of service in the nearby future, well…I’m just praying it happens pretty soon because I don’t want to shell out 20K.

It’s sad to see the price one has to pay for a good, fast internet connection here in the Philippines. Samantalang in HK I have a 30M Fiber Broadband connection (planning to upgrade to 100M soon) which, at $256 HKD or 1,449.88 PHP, is not not highway robbery.

Sky offers 112Mbps (Megabits per second) and you were able to download at 8.1 MegaBytes per second (around 81 Megabits per second). That isn’t too bad considering Valve doesn’t have any servers in the Philippines.

Fast Internet costs money folks. <– it sucks that this is the case in the Philippines. Telcos are sucking us dry! It's the internet age ffsake, the internet should be at least accessible to more people now.

And ooooh! Portal. Didn't manage to kill GLaDOS yet but I'll make sure to do so before Portal 2 gets out.

@lucien – constant ba yung x0.125 para makuha ko ang actual download speed? O__O

so if i have 2.5mbps connection = 312.5kilobytes/second? wooot! galing! 🙂

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