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Lenovo Ideapad S10-3T at PHP 29,900.00

Definition of terms
Netvertible [net-vur-tuh-buhl]
– noun
– a netbook that transforms into a tablet
– a class of netbook that has touch screen functions and swivels

In the absence of my MacBook’s screen (broken LED light), I had been left with no portable to use for the past several weeks. The good news (of great joy) came from Intel, lending me Lenovo’s latest Ideapad, a netvertible with 10 inches of real estate and a tablet interface which you can activate anytime you want. For naming conventions, the “S10-3T” simply means that this is a 10 inch netbook with a “T”ablet interface. If you’re looking for the same thing without the tablet interface, Lenovo also sells the “S10-3.” A 12.1 incher also exist, the “S12”

The 3T is by no means the ultimate in multimedia computing. It comes with a Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3150, which is really a standard for affordable portables. You might be able to get some 3D gaming into it, but at very low settings. This new generation of Ideapad is good for getting quite a number of things done with your online life: office work, Facebook, Twitter, flash games — yeah that sort of stuff. And the price is not bad either. For a netbook with a swivel touch screen, a price shy of PHP 30,000.00 is absolutely tempting.

The portable comes with a 160GB hard drive and both higher end models come with a 250GB drive. It also comes with stock 1GB DDR2 SD RAM, which really is another reason why you’re limited to the basics of daily computing. I surmise that Lenovo really removed the bells and whistles, stuck with the bare minimum, yet put in a swivel touch screen to make it very attractive at a low price. More specs here.

The S10-3T comes with 2 USB ports on the left side, an RJ45 cable slot for LAN, WiFi, a 1MP webcam, mic and headphone slot, TV out and an SD card reader. By default it comes with WIndows 7 Starter.

I personally think that with the second coming of tablets, software developers should be making “netvertible friendly” applications to add more conviction to buying one. In the week that I used it, I barely touched the screen, using it as a “traditional” laptop. I’m definitely not saying that this is a failed product — it very much isn’t! In fact, it works as how it is supposed to work.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on “Lenovo Ideapad S10-3T at PHP 29,900.00”

I think I almost like this style of computer-pad better than the iPad. You probably end up with a lot more freedom, especially if you can get everything working with Linux, but the keyboard is what really seals the deal for me…

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