Mostly Everything

A convenient way to win 2 highly coveted tickets to Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”

I was floored when I got a call from C&G asking if I would like to take part in promoting this event. I’ve seen him work his magic on the Internet but it will be quite different when you see it in person.

So here’s the deal. I have two extra tickets to Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth this coming June 8 2010. See him live. Listen to him talk about global warming. Maybe have a photo with him. Post it on Facebook. Get comments.

June 8 2010
SM Mall of Asia
4:00 PM

(Remember that June 8 is a weekday!)

These tickets are expensive, so I’m giving these away to two individuals who can do the following:

  1. Go to this post.
  2. Read it.
  3. Leave a reaction. Leave many more. The two people with the best insight and can converse with me there win. Also make sure you leave a valid name and email address or contact number.
  4. Yes, I know the “best” is relative. But so are the tickets. They’re relatively expensive. If comments don’t get approved quickly, please be patient as I am usually out during the day.
  5. I’ll close the conversation before midnight, this Monday, 11:59 PM May 24 2010.

Good luck and see you there!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

15 replies on “A convenient way to win 2 highly coveted tickets to Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth””

I do my share in that I segregate our garbage, use environmentally-friendly bags when grocery shopping, and conserve water and electricity as best as I can. But I feel like I can do more. And I’d like to know how to do that. I’m also a teacher and have been trying to enlighten my students about this global issue. To have the opportunity to go to this event would allow me to understand the issue better (statistics-wise) and know about practical ways that I can help the environment — something that I can also impart to my students! 😉

@Jayvee where do you leave the comment on your page? it’s like publishing our address & numers too 🙁

Hi Jayvee. One of the things on my to-do-list-before-I-die is to do something meaningful for the environment (aside from being a mother to my 2 kids)… something for the future generations…something for our country…in my own little ways. I don’t know if that will happen but ever since I fell in love with our very own Philippine handmade papers, I began to see the path to my dream. I hope through my work, I am doing something for the environment and our country. It is my dream to be in this event but I have 2 kids to send to school next month so the budget for the ticket went to tuition fees & books 🙁 Nevertheless, I am happy that more and more people are going GREEN! More power to your blog…(i’m an avid reader 🙂 )

Hi Jayvee, You’ve got a creative and informative tech-geek website! What i would like to do to help you is can i post this to my contest site link back to you so that you can get more readers and let them see your great thoughts? also my site is doing its share and help to make filipinos a globally competitive in field of sports, business and whatever niche they may be by joining seminars, contest, championship specially the Olympics. Same as you do you’re helping people to become a techno savvy person with a brilliant ideas. wisdom of the universe is available at your blog by this worthy cause you are helping a lot of people by your commitment and devotion.If both of us are idealistic and willing to help or fellow then we deserve to be a masterminds seatmate in the noble man Al Gore talk about the truth this June 8.

I have been thinking of Al Gore and his Inconvenient Truth everyday since the scorching summer heat caused a friend with lupus to get a relapse. My wife is a lupus survivor too and I try to keep her out of the heat and the sun. It seems like everyday is now the “hottest” ever and you can’t help but think of “Global Warming”. It’s a major personal concern for me and my family.

Hi Jayvee, I was wondering if you still have extra tickets to Al Gore live in Manila and what we have to write about to get them. I was going to post a reply on the blog on our Philippine reefs taking first place in biodiversity , but saw that you already awarded the tickets. Any more tickets up for grabs?

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