Mostly Everything

Nokia DiscOVIries Week VI: Mobile Phone

Before anything else, I’d like to thank everyone who has participated in the past several weeks. Something to note — in terms of criteria for judging entries, unless I say the actual criteria (i.e. “random winner”) the winners are really graded on a bell curve, which means that I compare the winner’s entries with the other submissions. Also, please follow instructions. I had to eliminate several entries to my previous contest for film shots because the top 5 photos I chose didn’t include an OVI email or was submitted after the cut off time. The full mechanics can be found here.

Here is the winner of last week’s film competition. The winner for the playlist competition is Arbet, mostly because of the creative combination of his J Pop collection with old school WinAmp! Thank you for submitting complete details! 🙂



For this week, let’s go back to basics. All I’m looking for is a photo of your mobile phone. Upload the photo and indicate the phone model and how long you’ve had it and please don’t forget to put your name and OVI email. The winner will be drawn randomly, so the more photos you put, the better! It doesn’t matter if your phone isn’t a Nokia 🙂

This contest will end 11:59 PM of Sunday night GMT +8.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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