Mostly Everything

DiscOVIries Week 1 Contest: Your Workstation Photo

Since a huge part of OVI in the Philippines is about sharing photos and videos

I hope everyone is safe. To bring back a sense of normalcy, I’m running a new contest. This will be going on every week till the end of November ’09!

UPDATE: If you win this round, you will have a chance to also win a brand new Nokia phone! This is the first contest within a series that will last till the end of November ’09. Lots of prizes to give away!

Yay! We’re giving away stuff. This is all thanks to Ovi by Nokia. Since a huge part of OVI in the Philippines is about sharing photos and videos with friends, I’ll be asking my readers who wish to join to share a little bit of themselves through photos. I will be giving out prizes for the next 8 thematic weeks to the lucky winners of my contest. Sorry, no bikinis this time. BUT … I have PHP 2,000.00 worth of Ayala eGC’s up for grabs, which is really just as good as cold cash, more than enough to buy a bikini.


I was thinking of a fun and easy to do theme for the first week. For the duration of week one, I want you to take a photo of your workstation(s) at home or at … work and upload the shots to my OVI dropbox (the password for the folder is “ovi” if asked). Make sure you include your name, OVI email address, and a description of your workstation. Don’t be shy — it doesn’t need to be geeky! You can upload as many unique photos of your workstations as you want provided that you follow the guidelines. As an example, I’ve uploaded my workstation photo above.

I have a 2 monitor setup (the other monitor behind the MacBook isn’t being used). The ACER desktop is mainly for gaming. I have 2 external HD’s, my TLR camera, multifunction printer, a Belkin WLAN router, several twisted cables and my PADI hat ๐Ÿ˜‰ The other MacBook is in the other room.

Contest Mechanics:
1. This contest is open from September 28 ’09 – October 4 ’09
2. Cut off date is every Sunday 11:59 PM
3. The prize for this week is P2,000.00 worth of Ayala Electronic Gift Check (which is actually as good as cash)
4. You need to be a resident of the Philippines

Contest Steps:
1. Create an OVI account and activate your OVI email address
2. Upload a photo onto my OVI share folder (what’s cool about OVI is the fact that you can create public folders where anybody can drop photos / video) following the theme (again, a photo of your workstation)
3. For every photo entry, you should have your name, OVI email address ([email protected]) and a short description about the photo

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

24 replies on “DiscOVIries Week 1 Contest: Your Workstation Photo”

I wish I could join. I don’t have a work station. I only rent computers in an internet cafe and sometimes do the blogging at the office. ๐Ÿ˜€ But I don’t have a regular work station at the office. Tsk tsk.

yay thanks lace ๐Ÿ™‚ ill make sure the next contest this week is easier to do kasi based on feedback, not everyone has a workstation! ๐Ÿ™‚

[…] 3. Nokia OVI spokesperson Jayvee Fernandez blogged about a contest where you upload a pic of your workstation and get a chance to win P2,000 in gift certificates and a Nokia phone. I submitted mine, but I doubt that I’ll win But mine doesn’t look so bad, right? More details here. […]

i know it’s late…and i only learned about it 2 minutes after the deadline (thanks to Drew who blogged about it). and saw the entry pics you shared on plurk… inggit ako. so here’s mine๐Ÿ™‚

2 mice, 3 keyboards (2 101-key and 1 ivory) lots of junk. hehehehe!

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