I swear I could hear Ode to Joy playing in the background when Joel Parcon sent this announcement to our alumni group. Oh, and it’s a discount card as well. Sorry if this is such a trifling matter to the more “established” colleges. I graduated from a fairly young university so this means a lot to us alumni.
I’m reposting it here for blockmates and orgmates who read this humble blog of mine. The best perk is actually not being harassed by the front gate guard who insist you show ID:
Official Alumni ID & Privilege Card
The UA&P alumni card opens your doors to on- and off-campus perks.
Existing on-campus perks:
v Easy entry to the campus (following the Security SOP’s on processing visitors)
v Access to the libraries
v Use of facilities depending on the proposed activities, particularly Alumni Initiatives
v Discounts on the Office of Student Affairs-Kultura plays and other activities
v Discounts on Continuing Management Education Programs
v Easy registrations for retreats and other related activities
Existing off-campus perks:
Discounts and freebies from official UA&P alumni card partner establishments, which are mostly alumni-owned companies:
v C2: Classic Cuisine
v Cravings
v Mrs. Fields
v Marciano’s Italian New Yorker Cuisine
v John & Yoko Cosmopolitan Japanese
v Sumosam
v Hotshots
v Clawdaddy
v The Richmonde Hotel, Richmonde Grill, and The Exchange
v The Coffee Farmhouse
v Schu
In June… Fully Booked, Frostings Cupcakes and more!!!
How to Apply?
For personal applications, visit the Office of Alumni Affairs and look for Ms. April Legaspi. Make sure to bring a recent 1×1†or 2×2†ID picture.
For electronic applications, e-mail a high-resolution (300 dpi at 1×1â€) image file and image file of your signature to uapalumni@edu.ph.
Php250/US$8 – regular rate
Php150/US$6 – current UA&P employees and holders of the old Alumni ID
* Additional Php50/US$2 for Registered mail to any address in the Philippines and Php100 /US$4 for Ordinary mail to any location outside the Philippines
For personal applications, give the exact amount to the Office of Alumni Affairs
For electronic applications, deposit the amount to UA&P’s bank account and fax the deposit slip, along with your full name and course(s) to 635-3141. You may deposit your payment at any BPI branch. Account name: University of Asia and the Pacific Foundation, Inc. Account numbers: 0201-0414-73 (Peso deposits) and 0204-0183-59 (US$ deposits)
Take note:
* The UA&P alumni card is valid for the whole lifetime of the bearer.
* Replacement of a lost alumni card will be charged to the bearer.
For any questions, comments and suggestions about the UA&P alumni card, please contact the Office of Alumni Affairs at 637-0912 local 397 or at alumni@uap.edu.ph.
Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting TechNology Editor for The Philippine STAR.
He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.