So will you buy Crocs after they’ve reinvented themselves?

About three years ago I bought my first pair of Crocs. It’s akin to the first time you experience anything in your pubescent life — and then grow up to realize that what you did was a bit overrated.

So despite being comfortable, the lot were in agreement that the “awkward” fashion sense outweighed the actual comfort. So what did Crocs do? They removed the holes and kept the sole. Capitalize on what makes your product good, and mitigate the weakness — holes. Note that they also kept the bright colors, at least in most designs that made Crocs stand out as well.

One thing regarding brand authenticity though — check out the Tideline Canvas: Real Crocs, or fake Sanuks?

Here are some of the new pairs of Crocs available TODAY in the Philippines:















I own three pairs of Crocs and two pairs of Sanuks. I have two pairs of Havaianas, but those don’t count because they were given to me as gifts 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

9 replies on “So will you buy Crocs after they’ve reinvented themselves?”

I might try them out just to see if they really are comfortable. Yeah, those Tidelines look too much like my Sanuks. I have one pair and I’m quite happy with them.

The Sanuk sandals are wonderful and super comfy, and they also look good! I only discovered them here in the U.S., do they sell Sanuks back there in Pinas or did you order yours online?

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