Mostly Everything

“We get it, but the key decision makers don’t”


If you belong to an ad agency, you’ve probably heard this before — young guns get the whole new media, social marketing, web 2.0 bit (argh, so many buzz words!) but at the end of the day we always defer to the higher authority of clients who have decision makers who do not understand Internet Marketing.

We’ve probably heard of successful Internet campaigns in the USA that make use of social media — Burger King, Audible, Twixx to name a few have used Facebook apps, the TWiT podcast, and rich media to do much needed marketing on the web.

The truth is, campaigns like these exist in the Philippines and now we’re ready to share them with you. We’re ready to share numbers and results. We’re ready to share the rationale behind some of the campaigns done by companies with the help of blogs, social networks and online media suppliers.

“We want to change perceptions that the Internet is not just something for younger, more progressive companies but also corporations who may want to tap communities of bloggers and users of social networking sites. That way, they will understand what these communities needs and address them,” [full article in]

After doing a split test to determine the most endearing title, we found Winning Internet Marketing Strategies & Tactics to be the name of the course for executives. This forms part of the quarry of AIM EXCELL short courses geared towards decision makers.

This particular session is a three and a half-day course designed by the Asian Institute of Management to demystify Internet Marketing for executives, consultants, and entrepreneurs. It will give participants a practical understanding of how websites, blogs, and social networks are changing the old rules of marketing. The course is anchored on a framework for achieving business & marketing objectives with the outcomes of internet marketing.

I will be delivering two AM sessions for this course. The other sessions will be split between Prof. Ricky Lim, Prof. Richard Cruz, Mr. Anton Diaz of Our Awesome Planet and Mr. Regnard Raquedan of the famous AIM Blog.

The Asian Institute of Management is a leader in instructing business leaders and decision makers about new media. The school is home to a number of Internet marketing courses and workshops including the Corporate Blogging Workshop Series (2008), the Philippine Web Designers Organization Web Design Conference (2009) and the Online Marketing elective for the MBA program (2009).

The first series of Winning Internet Marketing Strategies & Tactics is scheduled this April 13 – 16 2009. For more details, please visit or call Apple Ani or Yola Genuino at 893.2050/ 892.4011 loc. 228. 

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting TechNology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on ““We get it, but the key decision makers don’t””

[…] “We get it, but the key decision makers don’t” This entry was written by Regnard and posted on April 2, 2009 at 8:27 pm and filed under Cyberculture and Blogging, Internet Marketing, Web. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL. […]

yes, you’re right, companies should try internet marketing instead of relying only on offline marketing/traditional marketing. Blogging and social media marketing are neccessary if a certain company’s want to established their brand……

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