Mostly Everything

Do you own a SkyCable Digibox?


A marketing theory says that a consumer gives in to a product purchase after the third time it gets pitched. Sooo tadah! We now have a SkyCable Digibox at home!

The first pitch came when I was chatting with Jane Chua and she told me about SkyCable’s new ala carte offering allowing you to choose channels that really matter (Jane works for SkyCable). The second time was when Vina Cruz told me all about it in Yahoo! Messenger (oops she works for Sky too!). The third pitch came when I facilitated a workshop with the Benpres group and Ms. Arlene Torres was there. She pulled me aside during the break and we started talking about their broadband service, and then their ala carte channel offering.

Wait lang. Everyone who pitched the Digibox is from SkyCable!

HAHA! But that’s fine — for an extra P100 a month my brother was able to get the Basketball channel installed. I didn’t know that the Digibox was the device needed to avail of the new channels — I thought the ala carte product offering was different from the “Digibox” … whatever that was. In any case, the unit was pretty easy to install. It’s like plugging in a DVD player using RCA cables and instead of TV mode, you’d need to put your display to video in order to run it.

So far so good! I’d love to hear what others have to say about their experience with the ala carte channel offerings. What channels do you have? Are there any other geeky things you can do with the box?

Speaking of which, I’m thinking of Sky-ifying the entire house. We’re currently on PLDT DSL and I’m wondering if it’s worth the effort switching to SkyCable as a DSL provider. I know they’re way faster.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

23 replies on “Do you own a SkyCable Digibox?”

“We’re currently on PLDT DSL and I’m wondering if it’s worth the effort switching to SkyCable as a DSL provider. I know they’re way faster.”

Really? Is SkyCable DSL cheaper too?

Hi Jayvee! I am one of those who switched from PLDT DSL to Sky Broadband 3MBPS last month. We also got our free digibox and subscribed to the Metro Pack (21 add’l channels for extra P350) and so far I am very happy.

For the longest time I was with PLDT DSL’s P2,500 old plan. For months, I had been trying to ask them why they never upgraded our speed which was at only 512 kbps (can you imagine paying P2,500 for that speed???) and yet they offered new plans at higher speeds and lower rates. The odd answer was that I was at the old plan pa. For me that was not acceptable. Shouldn’t they have taken steps to upgrade us for being loyal, old subscribers? They never bothered to pay attention to us and continued to accept our payment at the old rate while giving us that ridiculously slow speed.

On hindsight, I should have terminated my plan a long time ago. I was just concerned about interrupting the internet that the kids needed every day. Good thing Sky Broadband came along. I tried their 3MBPS (at only P1,999 — even cheaper than my old pldt plan) for a 15-day free trial period and was quite satisfied. There are 6 of us online everyday at this speed. While there are days when it slows down, we have not had significant complaints so far.

Hope this helps.

FYI Jayvee. When we got the 3MBPS plan, we were informed that we would also get 15% off the cable subscription fee (basic TV only; fee for additional TVs not included). And since I pay annually, I get a free month of cable too. Not bad!

I currently have a PldtDSL 2mbps plan. I am now trying the FREE Skybroadband 3mbps plan. Using a speedtest software, the Skybroadband was much faster (download & upload), Unfortunately, I compared the two in downloading large torrent files using the same computer and also simultaneously using a laptop and a desktop. Don’t know why but the 2mbps Dsl was 40-50% faster. Will keep my dsl subscription!

I’m using Skybroadband, and i haven’t had decent service for almost 3 months of the 4 months i’ve been with them. Sa umpisa lang sila maganda, once you’re hooked, service deteriorates. As in really bad, we’re talking no connection at all almost the whole time. I’m already going to consult a lawyer about what i can do to them after all the physical, financial and emotional stress they gave to me. I don’t know what the outcome is, but these companies shouldn’t be allowed to get away with stealing our hard-earned money and time. If you know anybody who’s mad enough to sue, contact me and we might stand a better chance with a class suit if they know we’re really serious. Thanks!

Skybroadband upload speeds are only as high as 512 kbps (for plans 3 MB and below). I am glad that some people here have favorable experiences with Skybroadband. It has been frustrating – slowdowns, disconnects. Just sent out my PLDT MyDSL app. I know PLDT also gets these complaints but my experience with them (we still use PLDT DSL at my parent’s house) has been generally positive.

Talaga bang mas mabilis itong skybroadband? Matagal ba ang downtime nya? At yung mga nakaexperience ng downtimes, saan ang mga area nyo?

Im planning to put up an internet cafe in Cavite and im considering Sky as my ISP.

Please help. =(

Skycable just removed all my channels from 60-up. They sent me a letter saying I can only get them back if I pay 200+ pesos extra monthly (2 TVs) for a digibox. I wasn’t interested in the additional channels the digibox touted. But did they really have to cut down my channels just to force me to get a digibox? Second, I’ve been trying to call, txt, and e-mail them for 2 months about it, and I’m always on hold because all their operators are busy.

This is not the first time they have raised prices under the guise of adding new services. To me, they are just giving me less value for my money. I can’t figure out whether they are desperate, greedy, or both. Whatever, it stinks.

I’m just wondering, if you avail the Sky Broadband, can you just split the signal of the cable modem and get FREE TV service? Or is the digibox needed to unscramble the TV signals in the coaxial cable?

I know that you can split the signal with destiny cable broadband. Although the technician will tell you, you cant. I tried it and it worked. Free cable TV.

My experience with PLDT is a nightmare. If the technician conciders you as a small time client their service is always late or non existent. Mahal pa d’ sulit.

At present I am using Globelines Broadband. Based on my own computations it is the lowest in terms of cost. 1MB lang but I have three desktops and two laptops (sometimes three) using it at times. Ok naman ang signal (two boys doing RF online, Two girls doing facebook and my wife on pet society)

Also have a sun broadband Flash drive. OK siya. Unlimited at P799 per month lang. You can bring it pa with you. So I surf at starbucks with out having to pay them ha..ha. Looking for a router where I cam install both the globeline broadband and the Sun broadband. So far I found a gadget at V-mall for P3,500. Ok na sana but Im still looking. There used to be a store in gilmore that sold a router for that purpose but they closed. 🙁

Have scheduled installation of a digibox on sunday. One of my x’mas presents for my family. I hope I made a wise decision. Also planning to try CIGNAL TV. Any feedback?

Alright, I’m wondering what would be the result for SkyBroadband subscribers.

With regards to CIGNAL TV, we have it and the HD channels are crystal clear, true HD 🙂 You will really see the difference between standard and HD channels with it, unlike SkyCable which tricks their subscribers into believing that they are watching digital channels with the digibox where in fact the box just converts the analog signal into digital but the main feed still consists of analog signals.

I’ve been a SkyCable/SkyBroadband subscriber for about 2-3 years now, and I don’t know if it’s because I’m a Makati subscriber, but the service has always been good for me. In fact, the only time I had severe outages was when SkyBroadband took over Infocom, my original broadband provider that never gave me a headache in terms of performance or customer service.

I guess I’m just that easy to please. 🙂

I’ll be installing Digibox on Friday, thanks to the flyer that said I get the box for “free” (ha!) if I stay a Sky Gold subscriber, with adjusted rates. Adjusted rates, so not technically free.

Was considering SkySelect, but all those stupid music video channels are still part of the basic package. I wouldn’t mind just one, but gads. ALL. *shrug* I actually managed to build a package I could live with, but then decided to just keep the status quo. We’ll see how this works out.

i wish skycable’s digibox can already record shows. digital na nga yung signal and postpaid na mostly ang subscribers so they should really invest in keeping their members by giving them options to record live and even rent videos. Sana yung Starter package nila, at least, 250MB of Standard def na shows,pwde na magrecord.

hi! i just want to know how effective is the skycable digibox? they say that you will have better reception… i decided to try it and it will be installed this week. how many digibox do we need? bacause we have 4 televisions in our house. will it affect the signal of the other tv connections?

well they had cut my channels from 51 up.. i think this is just so immature..why are they forcing us to get a digibox?? i’m paying my dues well.. and they’re really clever. they removed my favorite channels!

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