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Rohan Closed Beta Philippines allows you to sell your character for money


With more than 500 seeders, ROHAN Closed Beta is jump starting its way to local shores.

Kiven just announced the opening of ROHAN CLOSED BETA Philippines. I’ve been curious with this particular game franchise as a good number of people have been talking about it – all MMO games are a dime a dozen, especially the ones we franchise into the Philippines. But ROHAN seems to stand out mainly because it is an A+ grade game that’s completely free to play.

Another thing ROHAN permeates into its system is a phenomenon that was actually frowned upon by the industry – although the game is free to play, there is an option to SELL your character once you’ve achieved a desirable level! Hmm another intriguing way to make money online if you aren’t into the blogging or online store gig. In the past, avatar sales from RAN Online and Ragnarok have raked in five digit figures in pesos. Level Up was quick to recognize that this is indeed a lucrative business model – don’t ban it. Encourage it.

You can download the game via FTP or via Torrent (as seen above).

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

3 replies on “Rohan Closed Beta Philippines allows you to sell your character for money”

A+ grade game? I have yet to see a major game website bother to review Rohan, so I can’t really say I agree with that. As far as I’m concerned, it’s LU’s marketing team that’s proclaiming that Rohan is AAA.

I’ll try it out though. 😉 Let’s see if the game really is as good as advertised. If not, well, let’s just say LU would never hear the end of it. 😛

Saw the video online and i have to say that the characters was somehow patterned from cabal and that actions/movements are a stiff. I’ll have to see it this Rohan compares even a bit to Cabal. If not, then LU should get a game better than Cabal…Age of Conan perhaps?

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