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Left 4 Dead: Rally for Philippine Steam community

I’m slowly becoming a convert to huge digital downloads. I wasn’t a big fan of torrents because of my relatively slow connection but the recent news that Left 4 Dead might not be available on retail for the PC in Datablitz (it might be available elsewhere) made me shell out cash instead for a digital copy through Steam. It took me about 36 hours to download, but it was well worth it. I’m able to backup games as well onto a portable hard drive in case I reformat.

L4D is THE game that brings together a montage of the best of zombie horror flicks, reminiscent from the fast “infected” zombies of 28 Days Later. And I’ve been playing. A lot.

What makes buying games off Steam more interesting is that I get to interact with old high school friends from the US who aren’t into the Facebook craze. Steam is fantastic – a digital download mechanism for games that incorporates its own “social networking” and copyright protection.

it works pretty much the way a social network would – every profile lists the games purchased, what game they are currently playing, how many hours clocked in and you can even invite friends into your current game lobby. Steam also has an integrated VoIP solution, a must have for most Source engine powered games like Half Life, Counter Strike, Left 4 Dead and Team Fortress 2.

Anyone else playing Left 4 Dead or Team Fortress 2 from the Philippines? Add me up — the zombie apocalypse is more fun with friends!! My SteamID is “The Lolmower Man” and you can find my profile at

P.S. I can run Steam on my Mac using Crossover. Hah! (See screenshot)

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

19 replies on “Left 4 Dead: Rally for Philippine Steam community”

Left 4 Dead might not be available on retail for the PC in Datablitz?! That’s pretty much a deal breaker for me. I would always choose brick and mortar over digital downloads. A physical copy makes me feel more secure.

Sometimes, disaster can strike and the downloads are lost forever.

Sayang, this should be fun sana. Shame na wala sa PS3 so I could rent it. 🙁

I got a pc copy two days ago in datablitz greenhills. Before I got a physical copy in data blitz, I was also contemplating to buy a copy from steam. IMO, having a physical copy is great. You don’t need to download the whole game to install it!

I just bought left 4 dead 2day. Got it from Datablitz Park Square 1, Makati. The game’s awesome, to anyone there looking for a decent player add me up! leapStreak

Jayvee, been trying to add you for the longest time… but steam couldn’t find you, when I do a player search…

Can you add me up? Thanks!

how did you get it working because on mine it just shows the opening screen (zombies eating humans) and i have no text buttons any where

planning on buying the orange box through steam. i hope it will worth the wait…. my connection sucks bigtime!

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