Mostly Everything

And so winging it yielded the most interesting results

My former professor taught one of the most important acts in teaching craft and that was the art of “winging it.” It really meant not having a plan for the next hour and a half in class but since there was a lot of familiarity with the subject, “winging it” often yielded the best results in getting the message through. I guess the best plan, at most times, was to not have one.

This note comes in a dialogue of many levels but one has to stand out and that message, I feel, should be one of thanks. It’s been a blast working with Jeremy and the rest of b5media as CE for the technology channel (special mention goes to CJ – yes you Christina Jones, for being hands down one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met in my 27 years of existence). I stepped down a few days before the Philippine Blog Awards (the channel is in good hands with Kori) and have now abandoned myself to the reckless tapping of the keyboard to stick to writing for the network, which in 2005 retrospect is something I miss doing.

It was one of the most interesting one and a half years of my career in the blogging industry and now that the training wheels are off, I’m here to venture forth to concentrate on things with a stronger local impact – there’s of course this little surprise here, an advocacy there, and the academe, plus a few more surprises up my sleeve in the coming months.

I still remember Anton talking to me about my “career plans” in the first quarter of the year as we were sneaking out from an event, and I remember giving vague answers to our discussion; but what stood out were answers that had more to do with local results and doing things that had my whole heart on the line. But yeah, the answers were still vague.

I mean, what can I do? I’m just winging it baby.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on “And so winging it yielded the most interesting results”

Wow, Jayvee. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. And thank you as well for all of the work you have put in next to me, and for your amazing heart. I am winging it too. All will be well. Love always… xoxox

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