Mostly Everything

4th Gen iPod nano colors (Cute naman!)

The rumors are true – the 4th generation iPod nanos are out. Apple has gone back to the roots of the nano, foregoing the fatty design for the gum stick form factor of the 1st and 2nd generation + the curved edges. And they’ve upped the memory too at 8GB and 16GB. Sigh. Flash memory just gets cheaper and cheaper. Every year, a new iPod owner gets at least twice the memory for the same price. It goes the same for all tech gadgets.

They did a great job with the colors – these aren’t the typical shades you’d find in your everyday gadget. According to Technograph, the rumored pricing is P12,000.00 for the 16GB version.

Apple, where’s the FM tuner? 🙂

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

8 replies on “4th Gen iPod nano colors (Cute naman!)”

ipods are getting cheaper! i paid 10,000 for amy 8GB fatty nano lat year. Now, it’s x2 the storage and x100 the hawt factor.

i’d prolly get the red one because masmahal ang ipod red value noon. they were the redcross ipods kasi for charity. 😀

sigh, yeah, still no fm radio. there’s a voice recorder though. another rather familiar technology is the shake to shuffle. i say it’s good that they learn from other companies –good for us end-users at least.

The colors are pretty I must admit, but for the average person, this particular set of updates must be a little disappointing. And what’s with the non-update on the classic, by scaling it back to 120gb? They should just get rid of it.

Although I’m partly guessing it’s still around to keep people who want the extra space from buying Zunes or similar mp3 players, it just seems like a meh thing to announce.

i gots me the yellow-orange one from the apple store on 5th. i’m so babaw, i love the accelerometer (so yes these things shuffle when you shake, but only if you shuffle vigorously. you can always lock it anyways.)

the current games on it are meh though, so for the first time in history i went to the iTunes store to get some cooler ones 😉

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