Mostly Everything

Do you still read books? Or are you only reading the Internet?

“Read more books than blogs.” This is an ad from Analog Soul, a tee company.

I think the message isn’t to stop reading blogs OR to read more books. Neither is it about hating blogs or new media – heck, Analog Soul uses Multiply as their marketing tool. The disciplines of reading books and reading blogs (and stuff online) is very very different! I think the communication point is more of a commentary on how we need to balance our life. 🙂

They are a statement tee and apparel err … outfit (LOL!) and Analog Soul knows how to be pretty good at it. They need to be brazened and make these statements. Oh and they got great stuff by the way. Should drop by one time.

On another note, do you still read books despite your BUSY BUSY SCHEDULE? I still do – but much less nowadays. To cope with always being on the go, I listen to them on my iPod via Audible. That’s one book credit a month – 12 books in a year! I’m currently reading listening to the unabridged version of The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki.

In this endlessly fascinating book, New Yorker columnist James Surowiecki explores a deceptively simple idea that has profound implications: large groups of people are smarter than an elite few, no matter how brilliant—better at solving problems, fostering innovation, coming to wise decisions, even predicting the future. [Random House]

Wrote about the book here, but only getting to actually listen this month. It’s fantastic!

Thanks to Richelle for the info I was looking for. Image credit is from Analog Soul.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

7 replies on “Do you still read books? Or are you only reading the Internet?”

Yeah, I still do. I’d have to agree that blogs and books are very, very different concepts. Books will never vanish from a reader’s landscape. It’s just the times, and every single thing seems to occupy one’s schedule nowadays. I haven’t tried listening to audio books, though I read e-books and good ol’ paperbacks. Right now, I’m reading Stupid White Men by Michael Moore (e-book) and Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. I’m pretty much stumped with a lot of books to read. Yikes 🙁

Oh, Analog Soul! I’ve bought a couple of stuff from their place like those cute little pins. I think they’re cool and usually the messages they have on shirts and stuff make A LOT of sense 😀

Too bad I don’t read books that much, though. I need to at least TRY to be a bookworm!

very different media indeed. but i think this train of thought gives the idea that books are better than blogs –which is very mcluhan “the medium is the message” way of thinking. while medium of course has a strong impact on the message, i still think it’s the quality of the content that should be considered. this perhaps follows that books have ‘gatekeepers’ in the form of editors and publishes while blogs do not, thus relying solely on the blog author.

on a lighter note, analog soul is a pleasant reminder that there IS life offline 🙂

I believe blogs and books are not the same. But maybe there are more teens these days spend more of their time decorating their blogs and blog hop the whole day than reading a good book.

“Analog Soul uses Multiply as their marketing tool.”

They lost me right there. If they can’t be bothered to put up a proper website, I can’t be bothered to check them out.

i remember the plurk discussion on this one! i think you’re right – books and blogs are totally different. and that’s what makes both worth reading – coz you get different things out of them. i’m one of the guilty ones who’ve failed to set aside time for books. i’ve started about 5 different books in the past few months, and did not finish a single one. yet i’m online everyday reading blogs, twitter and plurk! *sigh* i think analog soul is trying to talk to people like me!!

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