Mostly Everything

Paging, Super Joe!

I’m loving the fact that I grew up at a time where I got to experience the dawn of electronic gaming back in the Atari and 8 bit era. And I’m just as glad that in my “late twenties” I’m still able to become particularly excited when the oldies become new once more.

For instance, take this:

And 20 years later, turned to this:

I get to play all my favorite 8-bit Nintendo games (including Bionic Commando) on my Firefox browser with FireNES (it’s actually Virtual NES but compressed to a browser plugin) while enjoying the “new” stuff on the next generation consoles and the PC. I guess half the fun is seeing how the old school veterans like Capcom and Konami remake their most memorable titles for next gen console gaming.

What I do appreciate now is how relatively easier the next generation games are compared to their 8-bit counterparts. Weren’t the old games (have you played Silver Surfer, Ninja Gaiden I, Adventure Island or Ghostbusters for the NES??) just too insanely difficult to finish??

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on “Paging, Super Joe!”

I can relate to your post! Halos magka-age pala tayo? 🙂 Games have really improved over the years because of advanced technology. My only issue is, I can’t apply my 8-bit 2D skills and strategies to their 3D game counterparts anymore. 🙂

oooh commando. used to play that when i was a kid too. also that cobra game something or other 🙂 galing ng technology nowadays, and at least the “ancients” can still keep up with the times.

Hey Jayvee,

I stumbled upon your site while looking for a good breakfast place in Serendra….

….Still got those Rainbow 6 moves?


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