Mostly Everything

Vitwater: Magic potions for our daily lives! (LOL)

“Dude! Look what I have for you,” said Rey. “You’re the first to see this!”

I was with Rey and Ria yesterday afternoon ironing out a few things for BlogBank when Rey left and came back with a cold, cold plastic bag from 7-11.

“This just came out today and it’s available exclusively in 7-11 for the first few weeks for P15.00.”

Wow, Vitwater (not to be confused with the US Vitawater). This is a non-carbonated water drink with vitamins inside. I guess it is similar to dropping an Enervon C tablet into a cold glass of water, heh!

Well I wasn’t really a fan of the flavored water craze but I admit, this one actually tastes okay. Sorta like Gatorade but loads cheaper at P15.00. Well it’s new and has been out since yesterday. Check out 7-11 and try some. Each color supposedly has a different “effect” on you. One has fiber (tropical citrus), another supposedly helps you trim (red kiwi), while the other fortifies you with vitamins (orange). I don’t know what the blue one does – maybe it restores your mana to full, while the red one gives you more health, but with a cooldown of 30 seconds.

Well, whatever those effects are, it’s secondary to me. I think people go for the color and the taste first before the effects. Anyhoo, go check out 7-11. Vitwater is manufactured by RFM.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

17 replies on “Vitwater: Magic potions for our daily lives! (LOL)”

Do these energy drinks really help? I jumped on the bandwagon when C2 came up but now I hate to drink any of its flavors. It usually makes me drained inside. 😉

By the way, I’ve added you up in my blogroll. Hope you don’t mind.


Do you know why they call lemonade a lemonade not lemon juice and water or lemwater? because it’s bloody lemonade and if you add flavor to water it’s not mtfckin bloody water anymore. water is just freakin water. no flavor. no additives. just plain old water.

@eros: not really sure about the health benefits of these things. i dont really drink these for “health” or wellness to be honest. if i want to stay healthy i’d prolly drink ginger tea or eat right or take supplements. i think the vitamins in this water is an “extra.”

but you do raise a good question. im not a nutritionist so maybe someone could chime in about the real health benefits of these types of products. i guess you could start by asking how different are these drinks from the “others” out there. and im sure it isn’t just about less calories, because that doesn’t guarantee if something is healthy. 🙂

i bought the blue one with ribose it restore my man hood after s*x try it to believe it drink it after the first boom!! enjoy tnx to thix product its great:))

It’s not water at all. It’s way too sour! Citric acid is very high. I tried the blue one, it tastes like my childhood cough syrup. So blech!

i love the orange, it quenches me thirst talaga plus may vitamins and selenium and zinc. haha

Have you heard? BFAD will order recall of their products because BFAD did not approve their registration. So you won’t see them in the market anytime soon. Baka something’s wrong with the product. Hmmm… What kaya? Be careful lang. Just my two cents! 😛

Hahaha Righhht!

The Red potions for the health, Blue for the mana, Yellow for the stamina, Orange for additional defense power, Pink gives additional Attack power :))

But seriously i’m into the orange vitwater

and the Strawberry-Kiwi contains 200mg of L-Carnitine check it out

I can’t wait for Coca Cola’s Glaceau to distribute their VITAMINWATER here in the country, so that people will know ingenious pinoys are with this VitWater.

thats true… when im confined in the hospital for dengue, eto iniinum ko.. to restore fast liquid sa katawan, ang effect lang niya is smelly ung stool mo pero, it really cleanse that’s why maamoy ung dumi mo.. hehehe nkaka 2 bottles ako each day… ung Tropical citrus flavor,,, detoxification un…

i saw manny pacquiao doing his ads on this vitwater thing. he has this usual quote “you know, i drink vitwater everyday” heheheh..

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